Bring Your Whole Self To Work Series: Why Can't I Be Myself?
GDIT Bring Your Whole Self to Work: Why Can't I Be Myself
Why Can't I Be Myself?
Join GDIT's Early Talent & Diversity Programs Team for the Bring Your Whole Self to Work Series. Part 1: Why Can't I Be Myself HR Diversity & Inclusion VP Scott Nycum and panelist from GDIT's employee resource groups will discuss being your authentic self within the workplace while tackling stereotypes and perceived challenges based on individual and cultural differences. In addition to these trending topics you will learn about GDIT, how we deliver mission performance, and how we drive success by living our core values. 1. Use the Zoom link on your registration confirmation email. 2. Join the live broadcast via your Bizzabo Agenda from your desktop or within the Bizzabo app. Please do not hesitate to contact us @ EarlyTalentandDiversity@gdit.com if you have questions