Result 1 out of 6
Please let us know your name, company, and email below
Result 2 out of 6
What are your top 3 concerns when thinking about cloud security?
1. Threats at runtime, Excessive Permissions, Software Vulnerabilities
2. Software Vulnerabilities, Misconfigurations, Compliance
3. Threats at runtime, Misconfigurations, Compliance
4. Excessive Permissions, Misconfigurations, Threats at runtime
Result 3 out of 6
How is your organization ensuring security does not slow down software releases?
1. We embed vulnerability scanning in CI/CD tool chain
2. We scan images in the registry for vulnerabilities
3. We warn developers if software configurations are out of compliance with policies, but don’t block the release
4. We check software configurations in the CI/CD pipeline and block risky configurations
Result 4 out of 6
What is your main concern when it comes to application security?
4. Critical Vulnerabilities
Result 5 out of 6
What types of cloud security are you implementing in your organization?
1. Infrastructure as code security
2. Real-time detection of misconfigurations and threats
3. Runtime threat detection and response for containers
4. Managing regulatory compliance
Result 6 out of 6
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