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Traceable AI Polling Questions
Result 1 out of 6
Please let us know your name, company, and email below
Result 2 out of 6
As a senior technology leader at your company, what would you say, to your peers, is the most important factor in defining their application security strategy?
1. Shifting the organization to a more security-minded culture
2. Tools that provide protection and observability of your APIs, right now
3. Adoption of new management, and organizational, structures (i.e. DevSecOps, AppSecOps, SecOps, etc.)
4. All the above, each is equally important
Result 3 out of 6
How well do you understand the risks to your data and company assets posed by APIs?
1. Very well
2. We're working on it
3. Not so well
4. Not a strategy we can address right now
Result 4 out of 6
Cloud-native applications and microservices have been key technologies enabling faster delivery. To what extent has your environment moved in the direction of Cloud Native and Microservices as an architecture?
1. 66% or more of our systems are “cloudnative”
2. 33% to 66% are cloud native
3. 1% to 33% are cloud native
4. We’re not doing cloud native
Result 5 out of 6
Log4j/Log4shell was a lump of coal in IT’s stocking this holiday season, therefore producing a wealth of new security challenges to start 2022 - how do you see the situation evolving?
1. We’ve assessed our situation and have patched everything
2. We updated our firewalls to block the Log4shell attack signature
3. We don’t have any Java in our environment (that I know of)
4. We’re covered by Traceable AI detecting and blocking Log4shell attacks
Result 6 out of 6
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