Insurtech Meetup on Fraud Prevention & Detection
Join us for our InsurTech MeetUp
Fraud Prevention & DetectionIn Belgium, according to Assuralia, around 500 million Euro is lost due to fraud on a yearly basis. On a European level, Insurance Europe estimates that fraud amounts up to 10% of the overall claims. Reason enough to deep dive into this topic and discover how the insurance industry can fight fraud. We will discover the tools on how to detect suspicious cases, how the investigation can be done and most importantly how fraud can be prevented. As technology is the way to go forward, insurers can deploy swiftly automated and optimised fraud management tools, driven by AI, deep learning, or machine learning. But the willingness to exchange of data remains the basic requirement for success. PROGRAMME: 18:00 - Doors open - Welcome Drink 19:00 - Welcome by FinTech Belgium – Ms.Patricia Boydens – InsurTech Ambassador 19:05 - Introduction by Ordina – Mr.Gertwin Wubs What is Fraud, who are the fraudsters and how do you control the related risks? Questions that we will answer in the context of financial economic crime. We also demonstrate what we do in the area of FEC control at our customers and what ‘the revenues’ of good FEC management are. 19:20 - Why trust is so important in the insurance industry by Mr.Feiko Kloosterman from Friss Trust, of course, is vital in insurance. For our industry, trust is everything - and it is as complex and delicate as the relationships it connects. So what if you could automate trust? Automating trust, how does that work? What would your processes look like if you could really trust your customers? 19:35 - How to be ready for the next wave of claims handling by Mr.Maarten Callaert from Paperbox With Paperbox, we have a SaaS solution for end-to-end claims indexation. By doing this, we are removing the toil of manual indexation for our insurance customers. This will enable them to focus more on their core activities and service towards their end customers. As we are converting unstructured claims, emails and letters to structured data, we enable our insurance customers to be fraud detection ready. During this session, Maarten will provide our key insights and learnings from real client stories. 19:50 - Why digital security is just as important as physical security by Ms.Anne Masson from Eye Security. Eye Security is the first company in Europe to offer a high-quality and affordable cyber solution including insurance to make the cyber threat in SMEs manageable. We combine a best-in-class security team with proven technology and an insurance to fully unburden entrepreneurs. Anne Masson provides the audience with a clear explanation of the similarities between security in the physical and digital worlds with actionable tips for increasing the cyber resilience of companies. 20:05 - Panel Discussion with Q&A 20:30 - Drink, eat and greet |
This Event is a Hybrid event
When we say hybrid, we don’t mean just streaming We mean true interactions between Live and digital attendees and speakers. |
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