Aggregation analytics: Why orthogonal methods are important
Virtual Event
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About This Event
Aggregation is a well-known phenomenon, especially for proteins. Diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's are related to protein aggregation. Also known, is the aggregation of protein biopharmaceuticals, which can lead to side effects. In this webinar, we present and compare three methods for aggregation determination of proteins and nanoparticles: Size exclusion chromatography coupled with multi-angle light scattering (SEC-MALS), asymmetric flow field flow fractionation coupled with MALS (AF4-MALS), and analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC). After a short introduction to the fundamentals of the presented methods, the three methods together with their strengths and weaknesses will be discussed in detail. Also, we will present results from proteins using SEC-MALS and from colloidal dispersions like HSA-pacitaxel complexes (AUC & AF4-MALS), cyclosporine emulsions (AF4-MALS), and virus particles (AUC & AF4-MALS). The size and size distributions are especially crucial parameters for colloidal dispersions. This webinar will also show why well-developed analytical procedures are important. In the end, there is a comparison of the three methods with their strengths and weaknesses.
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