August 7th, 2024 | 12:30 pm EDT
Free Virtual Seminar
Menin inhibitors constitute a new genre of agents targeting the underlying biology of NPM1-mutant and KMT2A-rearranged acute leukemia by disrupting the interaction between the KMT2A and menin proteins, which then forces the leukemia cells to differentiate into normal cells. Preclincal studies and early clinical trials of menin inhibitors in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) have shown strong results. Because there are few targeted therapies for AML, the development of menin inhibitors and the resulting outcomes for patients are exciting. But a lot of unknowns still exist. In this Drawing First Blood webinar, experts will discuss many of the questions surrounding the development and use of menin inhibitors, such as: • Is the hype surrounding menin inhibitors justified given the results that have come out of clinical trials? • Can menin inhibitors be used in other biological subsets of acute leukemia other than the ones being studied? • Will menin inhibitors be a standalone therapy, or are they better used in combination with other drugs? • When is the optimal time to introduce menin inhibitors in the treatment course? • Who is an ideal candidate for treatment with menin inhibitors? • What other treatment options for AML are in the works that may compete with the development of menin inhibitors? As the search for an approved therapy for AML continues, you won’t want to miss this informative and lively discussion. With an introduction from Aaron Gerds, MD, editor-in-chief of ASH Clinical News.