21st Century Knowledge Management
About the Event
The knowledge enterprise is undergoing massive transitions. There are five enormous enterprise mega-shifts shaping 21st Century leadership. These fundamental enterprise shifts are all happening all at once. These shifts are: Processes to Networks – Complex systems thinking and network ecosystem logic propels the knowledge enterprise into the future. Robust process engineering and ordered-systems mastery is being subsumed by the knowledge network mindset. Knowledge leadership is on the rise. Governance to Relevance – Corporate governance is being replaced by fine-grain distributed relevance. Perpetually acting on behalf of customers is creating the next great episode of enterprise achievement and business growth. Knowledge leadership propels relevance. Management to Leadership – Leadership behaviors of cultivate, collaborate and coordinate are replacing management traditions of measurement, command and control. Constitutions and narratives are supplanting metrics and consequences for high-level knowledge enterprise achievement. Transactions to Interactions – Work that was once systematic and routine is now knowledge-based. Work is social, interactive and improvisational. Success requires judgment, freedom, trust and continuous, complex interactions with diverse actors. Bureaucracies to Boundaries – Innovation, productivity and prosperity inhabit far-flung organization boundaries and just beyond. Moldering central bureaucracies are losing relevance and are being dismantled. Knowledge 'on the edge' carries the day. Taken alone, any one of these enterprise mega-shifts is challenging. Taken together, simultaneously, they feel almost impossible. Fortunately, all these shifts are where humans excel... if they are allowed. On May 15th, 2014 in San Francisco, join enterprise leaders, executives, technologists, professors, investors, entrepreneurs, authors and experts to shape the Knowledge Enterprise of the Future. Please accept your pre-Invitation to 21st Century Knowledge Management and register today.Equip yourself with the methods, techniques, tools, technologies and Next Practices to master the next great chapter of enterprise prosperity.