Constraints imposed by the global pandemic have spurred the development of remote access tools to enable user science when users are unable to travel. While not all experiments are conducive to remote operations, some types of measurement have become easier and better than before. In this workshop, we will review the advances that have been made for remote access to beamlines at SSRL and the impact these have had on user science. We will also cover how continued development of remote access and automation tools can impact the way that users do science at SSRL well into the future.
This is a joint workshop with the SSRL/LCLS Users' Conference and the Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference.
Kevin Stone
8:00-8:20 am Kevin Stone, SLAC/SSRL – Welcome and Introduction
8:20-8:50 am Sarah Hesse, SLAC/SSRL
8:50-9:20 am Yijin Liu, SLAC/SSRL
9:20-9:50 am Alex Wallace, SLAC/LCLS
9:50-10:10 am Break
10:10-10:40 am Silvia Russi, SLAC/SSRL – Automation and Remote Access to Room and Elevated Temperatures Experiments at the SSRL Structural Biology Beamlines
10:40-11:10 am Kevin Stone, SLAC/SSRL – Automation and Robotic Sample Changes for Materials Science Scattering Beamlines at SSRL
11:10-12:00 am Discussion