We plan to explore the interface between nanofabrication and science/technology topics at synchrotrons and XFELs, such as x-ray instrumentation, energy sciences, quantum sciences, and biosciences. This workshop focuses on nanofabrication for x-ray instrumentation and advances in nanofabrication that may be of interest to x-ray sciences.
Kenan Li
1:00 PM Christian David, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI): Nanofabrication of Diffractive X-ray Optics for XFELs
1:25 PM Sasa Bajt, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY): Focusing X-rays using multilayer Laue lenses
1:50 PM Michael Wojcik, Argonne National Laboratory: Nanofabricated X-ray Optics Development at APS
2:15 PM Break
2:25 PM Chang-Yong Nam, Brookhaven National Laboratory: Vapor-Phase Infiltration for Microelectronics Applications
2:50 PM Stefano Cabrini, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Manipulation of new materials at nanometer scale: next generation nanofabrication applications
3:15 PM Donald Gardner, SLAC: Applications of Nanotechnology Science and Engineering at SLAC Nano-X
3:40 PM Discussion