This workshop will have multiple sessions aimed at discussing the possibilities of ultrafast x-ray science for studies of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. The dynamics of electrons and atoms define the elementary catalytic processes of charge transfer and chemical bond rearrangement. Visualizing and tracking such processes in real-time is a major scientific frontier to understand the selectivity and efficiency of catalytic transformation. Ultrafast x-ray lasers have enabled x-ray spectroscopy on timescales down to femtoseconds making possible the direct observation of such processes. We seek to bring the community together to discuss current experimental and theoretical advances, as well as to consider the new possibilities afforded by the planned future capabilities of LCLS-II. The workshop will cover multiple experimental techniques, including soft and hard X-ray spectroscopy and scattering.
Kristjan Kunnus
Hirohito Ogasawara
Roberto Alonso-Mori
Tim Brandt van Driel
8:30 AM Welcome Hirohito Ogasawara, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
8:35 AM FEL studies of laser induced processes on surfaces; electronic structure and chemical reactivityā€¯, Anders Nilsson, Stockholm University
9:05 AM Surface Science Instrument for soft X-ray spectroscopy Hirohito Ogasawara, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
9:20 AM The solid-liquid interface: spectroscopy from inside and from outside Miquel Salmeron, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
9:50 AM Break
10:05 AM ChemRIXS instrument for soft X-ray chemical science Kristjan Kunnus, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
10:20 AM Femtosecond x-ray absorption in transition metal oxides Frank de Groot, Utrecht University
10:50 AM Small Polarons and Surface Defects in Metal Oxide Photocatalysts Studied Using XUV Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy Robert Baker, The Ohio State University
11:20 AM Discussion, Q&A