As we move past the First Experiments in the TMO Hutch we want to engage the User community in planning for the next generation of ultrafast experiments at TMO. This workshop will discuss science cases that exploit the unique capabilities of the TMO endstation (high rep. rate coincidence detection). To fully explore the potential landscape of applications we hope to motivate the further development of the TMO instruments with capabilities that will increase the science impact of TMO.
Xinxin Cheng
James Cryan
Ming-Fu Lin
Razib Obaid
Peter Walter
8:00 AM Status of the TMO Instruments Thomas Wolf, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
8:20 AM Discussion of TMO Capabilities Peter Walter, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
8:30 AM Controlled Molecules for ultrafast-chemical-dynamics studies Jochen Küpper, CFEL
8:55 AM Attosecond coincidence spectroscopy in liquids and clusters Hans Jakob Worner, ETH Zurich
9:20 AM Understanding molecular energy conversion - challenges for high-repetition rate XFELs Markus Guehr, Potsdam University
9:45 AM Emerging AMO opportunities at high repetition rate x-ray FELs: Ultrafast atomic and molecular quantum dynamics, measured by multi-messenger electron/ion/photon coincidence spectroscopy Thomas Pfeifer MPI
10:10 AM Break
10:30 AM Time-resolved images of electron dynamics in atoms and molecules using FEL/XFEL sources: theoretical challenges Alicia Palacios, UAM
10:55 AM Near-Future opportunities exploiting high repetition X-ray pulse rates to explore ultrafast electronic dynamics Daniel Slaughter, LBNL
11:20 AM Discussion (group and breakout room)
12:00 PM Close out