This workshop will focus on the science of matter in extreme conditions as enabled by fourth generation light sources such as LCLS. It will feature talks by recent users of the MEC instrument at LCLS, with discussions on near and long term needs for the instrument. Latest developments at the high energy density instruments at SACLA and European XFEL will be presented by representatives of each facility to give a global perspective. The workshop will includes talks and discussion on the MEC-U project, which will bring kilojoule shock drive and high repetition rate petawatt lasers to LCLS, in a new experimental hall.
Gilliss Dyer
Hae Ja Lee
Eric Galtier
8:00 AM Welcome Gilliss Dyer- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
8:10 AM DOE Opening Remarks Kramer Akli - DOE-FES
8:25 AM MEC Instrument Update Eric Cunningham and Dimitri Khaghani
8:50 AM Void Collapse physics in ICF ablator materials Arianna Gleason - SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
9:10 AM Examining the dynamics of the α to ε phase transition in Fe–Ni alloys under shock compression Samantha Clarke- LNLL
9:30 AM Current status of the HED instrument at the European XFEL Ulf Zastrau- European XFEL
10:00 AM Break
10:20 AM Effects of Heterogeneities on Materials Strength under Dynamic Loading Conditions Cindy Bolme- LANL
10:40 AM Phase transitions in carbonate minerals under shock loading Sally June Tracy- Carnegie Institute
11:00 PM Measuring the electrical conductivity of shock-compressed warm dense matter using single-shottimedomain terahertz spectroscopy MEC Benjamin Ofori-Okai- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
11:20 AM Panel Discussion: Prioritizing the needs of MEC