This workshop is aimed at (current and future) research group leaders that want to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion (EDI) in their group. It will provide guidelines on how to collect and interpret data about EDI, increase transparency about these issues, and set concrete goals. The workshop will cover topics such as recruitment and selectin, decreasing biases, creating an inclusive environment.
Sarah Holder, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Sergio Carbajo, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- Welcome & Introductions
- Workshop Learning Goals
At the end of this workshop, participants should:
- Be more knowledgeable about the current state of research on equity in STEM fields
- Be more familiar with available tools and strategies to identify, define, and measure challenges to inclusion
- Be able to articulate strategies for addressing barriers to inclusive diversity in science teams and research groups
- Participant expectations
This is an experiential workshop, and participation is expected and encouraged. Please review these discussion ground rules for a foundation; further expectations for engagement will be communicated by the facilitators at the start of the session.
- Workshop Modules
Part 1: Understanding The Problem
- This section will highlight the current state of research on STEM equity, including statistical highlights and a summary of research on factors that matter for creating critical representation & inclusion; basic concepts of inclusion, equity, and diversity will also be covered
10-minute break
Part 2: Understanding Your Problem
- This interactive section will focus on how to identify and measure inclusion challenges in your team, workspace, academic department, etc.
10-minute break
Part 3: Plotting a Path Forward
- This interactive section will focus on tools available to address inclusion challenges, including change theory and strategies related to recruitment, retention, policies and practices, leadership, etc.
5-minute stretch break
Part 4: Sustaining the effort
- How do you sustain change efforts? How do you know when your goal has been reached? This section will focus on strategies for increasing accountability, sustainability, and buy-in.