The Tender X-ray Instrument will be the newest instrument to come online at LCLS. It will offer a capability that is offered nowhere else in the world: the ability to overlap two high intensity X-ray pulses from two separate undulators. This capability opens new avenues of developing nonlinear methods for X-ray as well as testing fundamental concepts in physics and chemistry. The workshop will detail the parameters of the Tender X-ray instrument as well as open a discussion on applications and method development.
Andy Aquila
8:30 AM X-ray Two Photon Absorption Kenji Tamasaku
9:00 AM XUV transient grating: a tool for accessing fundamental dynamics at the nanoscale Laura Foglia, Elettra/Fermi
9:30 AM Transient Absorption of core-holes Rob Weakly & Chelsea Liekhus-Schmaltz, University of Washington
10:00 AM Virtual Coffee Break
10:30 AM Nonlinear X-ray Compton Scattering Matthias Fuchs
11:00 AM Impulsive Raman scattering and nonlinear pump-probe techniques Andrei Benediktovitch, CFEL
11:30 AM Double core-holes studied with multi-dimensional absorption spectroscopy Franklin Fuller, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
12:00 PM Open Discussion on nonlinear science