17th Sept 2024 - 10:00AM - 11:00AM
Daniel Casson, Managing Director at Casson Consulting
In the latest instalment of our Setting Up For Success series, we explore managing change & embracing technology.
On September 17th, Join our expert host, Daniel Casson. Whether you’re at the start of your digital adoption journey, or in the process of switching your current care software provider - resistance to change is often a challenge, but how can you manage this?
Daniel Casson, Managing Director of Casson Consulting and Care Tech Guide, brings you the next instalment of our Surviving and Thriving Series, highlighting the importance of Implementing technology for the longevity of care services. Listen in to hear how you can future-proof your business.
What can you expect?
Daniel has a wealth of experience supporting care providers embed digital practices and creating new ways to drive value through those practices – don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead.
We look forward to seeing you there!
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