Join Veeam for dinner and a Ransomware Tabletop Experience
You are invited to join Veeam for dinner and a ransomware tabletop experience at Mastro’s Steakhouse in NYC on August 20th from 6 – 9 p.m. During this dinner, attendees will enjoy a ransomware presentation and then given a real-life ransomware scenario and will work on how they would approach a hack. This exercise will be guided by Veeam subject matter experts and by Coveware, our incident response firm that deals with hundreds of cyber-attacks. You will take away from this session a better understanding of things to consider during a cyber event, real-world experiences from someone who lives and breathes responding to ransomware attacks and most importantly hear from your peers at other companies on their experiences. Register today!
6pm - 6:30pm: Cocktail hour, appetizers, networking & introductions
6:30pm - 7pm: Presentation by Ray Umerley, Field CISO, Coveware by Veeam
7pm - 8:15pm: Incident Response Workshop over a 3-course meal
8:15pm - 9pm: Presentation of findings & next steps over dessert and cocktails