ABB Riyadh Energy Efficiency Symposium
Meet you in
Greetings from Abdullah Alotaibi
Vice President, ABB Saudi Arabia
I would like to use this opportunity to invite You to participate in a small-scale collaborative event where we will tackle the most pressing challenge of our time – climate change.
It is estimated that by 2050 the global population will have risen to 9.7 billion, up from 7.7 billion in 2019. Throughout that same period, the global economy is expected to more than double. At the same time, urbanization, automation, and the rise of living standards will significantly increase the demand for energy globally. As such, the need to reduce our CO2 emissions to counter climate change is more urgent than ever before.
If we continue with business as usual, this scale of expansion will accelerate climate change, and degrade the quality of air and water upon which all living organisms depend. To protect the environment, we need to redouble our commitment to reducing CO2 in the atmosphere.
In this context, energy efficiency is not an if, it is a must. It is a simple and impactful solution to a very complex existential crisis. It’s the low-hanging fruit we need to bridge our path to a future where all energy is clean energy. It is a low-hanging fruit because a lot of the solutions, technologies and products needed to improve energy efficiency globally already exist today. We just need to adopt them. Energy efficiency is our ‘first fuel’ for a decarbonized future.
However, nobody can do this alone, and that is why I would like to personally invite You to join me and several other leaders together face-to-face in order to share solutions, innovate and establish joint actions to improve energy efficiency.
I invite you to learn more about the Energy Efficiency Movement at join.energyefficiencymovement.com.
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