- 08:00–08:30 Welcome speech – Wilson Monteiro
- 08:30–09:00 Introduction to ABB Ring Motor Factory – Mikel Torre
- 09:00–09:30 Transfer from hotel to factory – Group 1
- 09:30–13:30 Factory visit
- 13:30–14:00 Transfer back to hotel
- 14:00–15:00 Lunch at hotel – Group 1
- 15:00–15:30 ABB GMD system overview and manifesto: our mission in action
- 15:30–16:00 Reflections from previous GMD User
- Meeting and impact on ABB design
- 16:00–16:30 Coffee break
- 16:30–17:00 Decarbonizing the mining industry from grid-to-wheel
- 17:00–17:30 GMD quiz
- 17:30–18:30 Meet the experts
- 09:00–09:30 ABB GMD system overview and manifesto: our mission in action
- 09:30–10:00 Reflections from previous GMD User
- Meeting and impact on ABB design
- 10:00–10:30 Coffee break
- 10:30–11:00 Decarbonizing the mining industry from grid-to-wheel
- 11:00–11:30 GMD quiz
- 11:30–12:30 Meet the experts
- 12:30–14:00 Lunch at hotel – Group 2
- 14:00–14:30 Transfer from hotel to factory – Group 2
- 14:30–18:30 Factory visit
- 18:30–19:00 Transfer back to hotel
- 19:30 Get-Together Networking Cocktail – Hotel Terrace
- 08:15–08:30 Opening
- 08:30–09:30 Thoughts on the copper market and a price outlook in light of a changing world - Keynote speaker Mr. Edward Meir (President of Commodity Research Group)
- 09:30–10:00 Lessons learned from Quebrada Blanca II project
- 10:00–10:30 Predictive Maintenance for Grinding Platform and Remote Troubleshooting tool
- 10:30–11:00 Coffee break
- 11:00–11:30 Protecting your GMD against Cyberthreats
- 11:30–12:30 Demo exhibits
- 12:30–13:30 Lunch at hotel
- 13:30–14:00 The Power of Flexibility: Harnessing GMD’s for grid stability through Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR)
- 14:00–14:30 Power quality issues in Mining – Statcom solution
- 14:30–15:00 GMD new feature launch
- 15:00–15:30 Coffee break
- 15:30–16:00 GMD winding topology and design improvements
- 16:00–16:30 Innovations on ring motor design – case study Andacollo
- 16:30–17:00 Stretching the limits – very large GMDs in extreme ambient conditions
- 17:00–17:10 Closing
- 19:15-23:00 Private tour and Formal Dinner at Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
- 08:45–09:00 Opening
- 09:00–10:00 Discovering the next phase in the mining industry – Keynote speaker Mr. Diego Hernández (Board Director at Nexa Resources. Corporate Director at Mexican Group BAL)
- 10:00–10:30 Maintenance best practices and evolution of the long-term service agreement
- 10:30–11:00 Coffee break
- 11:00–11:30 Supportline cases, success stories
- 11:30–12:00 Increasing safety and reducing maintenance efforts on GMDs
- 12:00–12:30 Atalaya Mining: from installation to best in class operation
- 12:30–13:00 Benchmarking Industrial Grinding Efficiency
- 13:00–14:00 Lunch at hotel
- 14:00–15:00 Round the table discussions:
- Sustainability and circular economy in action
- Life Cycle Asset Management
- End to end approach for risk mitigation in GMDs
- Digitalization in Grinding
- 15:00–15:30 Closing
- 15:30–17:00 Individual meetings (optional)
- 09:30–18:00 Group tour to San Sebastian
ABB GMD User Meeting 2023
We Are Live In
About the event
Dear Mining Industry Colleague,
Please mark your calendar for the next ABB GMD User Meeting that will take place in Bilbao, Spain from August 30th until September 2, 2023.
As you know, this global event provides a collaborative platform to showcase solutions, processes, experiences as well as great networking interaction.
Wednesday, August 30 | Day 1: Ring Motor Factory Tour & Parallel Workshop
Group 1
Group 2 |
Thursday, August 31st | Second Day of Meeting
Friday, September 1st | Day 3 of Meeting
Saturday, September 2 | San Sebastian Tour
Venue Information
ABB Speakers
Guest Speakers
Related Links
About Bilbao city
Experience Bilbao like the Basque people.
High End Food Tour to learn about the gastronomy of Northern Spain.
Bilbao’s Guggenheim Museum
Immerse yourself in the artistic wonder of Bilbao’s Guggenheim Museum and all its masterpieces.
Architectural Rioja Wine Tour from Bilbao
Rioja region’s most beautiful wineries, Marques de Riscal and Ysios.
Note: Attendees are responsible for their flight tickets and hotel accommodations.
Note: ABB will be providing transportation to the Ring Motor Factory and the lunches and dinners from August 30th until the end of the event on September 1 in the afternoon.
For the optional San Sebastian Tour on September 2nd we will provide the transportation, tour and lunch.