FIB-SEM Innovations for Materials Characterization and Prototyping
Free Virtual Event
Now available on demand
About the Event
Explore the forefront of electron microscopy with our four-part webinar series, hosted by TESCAN, a pioneer in electron microscopy innovation for over 30 years. This exclusive series introduces the new advanced AMBER X 2 and AMBER 2 systems, showcasing enhancements in FIB-SEM technology. Delve into topics such as improved speed, precision, utility in materials analysis, TEM sample preparation, and nanoprototyping. Each session offers valuable insights into the features, applications, and real-world benefits of these state-of-the-art systems.
The sessions will broadcast in English or Chinese. You may signup to those that corresponds with your time zone and language. The language selector located at the bottom left corner of your browser will translate the event pages only.
这些会议以英语或中文播出, 您可以根据自己的时区和语言报名参加。位于浏览器左下角的语言选择器只能翻译活动页面。