Future Aviation Safety - A Global Conference
June 1 - 2, 2017 | Copenhagen, Denmark
Doors open at: 7:30 A.M.
Future Aviation Safety

The ARFF Working Group, International Aviation Fire Protection Association and the Copenhagen Airports have partnered to present: “Future Aviation Safety”
In a continuing effort to meet the demanding needs of today’s aviation firefighting community, we have worked diligently in developing a program that will be internationally acclaimed.
The program will take place at the Copenhagen Airport A/S Auditorium, Lufthavnsboulevarden 6, 2770 Kastrup, Denmark. The Auditorium is on the 4th floor in the CPH Administration building. Equipped with all modern facilities and an ideal place for an International ARFF Conference. DOWNLOAD THE AGENDA: 2017 COPENHAGEN AGENDA.pdf

Hotel Accommodations

The host hotel is the Hilton Copenhagen Airport ideally located next to Copenhagen Airport, just a two-minute walk from Terminal 3 arrival hall via a covered walkway. This modern Copenhagen hotel, renowned for impeccable service is 12 minutes from the city center by train and Metro services. The Hilton Copenhagen Airport Hotel has recently been purchased, and as of April 1st will be the Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport. Our room block is still in tact, but the website link may be down for a couple of days. If you have any issues making hotel accommodations, please direct your request for hotel room(s) to Sandra Zalpyte at Sandra.zalpyte@choice.dk
We have received a room rate for single occupancy rate of 1,595DKK per night and 1,895DKK double which also includes a daily breakfast buffet. Reservations can be made by phone at 45-32-501- 501 or click HERE to make reservations on-line.
The Quality Airport Hotel Dan is an alternate hotel that is available for the program. The room rate is 1015DKK for a Single and 1215DKK for a Double. Breakfast is included in this rate.
To make reservations use this LINK
Our Speakers