- Timely, relevant workshops led by experts like Tom Rosenberg, Rae Ringel, Dan Mansoor, Alia McKee, David Phillips, and more.
- An evening ADAPT Showcase highlighting the most successful summer 2020 camp adaptations that you can replicate at your camp.
- A celebration of your camp's success adapting this summer, including engaging new and larger donors for your All Together Now match.

2020 JCamp 180 Conference
Thank you to the nearly 1,000 leaders in #jewishcamp who joined us at #JCampConf this year! Session materials and recordings have been uploaded to the agenda. You can also find all sessions on the Recordings page.
Wow. What a strange summer it’s been. What a challenging year.
But as a true champion for your camp, you’ve stepped up. Camp professionals and lay leaders alike have adapted and accomplished remarkable things.
And yet, there is still more to do.
That is why this year’s JCamp 180 Conference, October 19-20 (with pre-conference activities on October 18), has been designed to help you confront the challenges of 2021 with skill, confidence, and inspiration.
Some highlights of our online Conference this year:
Register today to come together and commit to Adapt, Lead, Renew, and Invest our energies to ensure the long-term vitality of our beloved Jewish camps.
Thanks to the generosity of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, registration is free for all attendees.
Conference Schedule
All Times Eastern
Sunday October 18
Pre-conference gatherings (invitation only)
Monday October 19
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Conference Kickoff
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM Workshop Block A
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM Workshop Block B
5:00 PM - 6:15 PM Workshop Block C
8:00 PM - 9:30 PM ADAPT Showcase
Tuesday October 20
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Tuesday Opening Plenary
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM Workshop Block D
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM Workshop Block E
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Conference Closing
Additional networking opportunities will be available as well - stay tuned!
Schedule is Subject to Change
Our conference is designed to meet the needs of executive and lay leaders as well as the development professionals of JCamp 180's affiliated Jewish camps and partner organizations. This year, especially, we welcome ALL those working in Jewish summer camp even if your camp is not affiliated with JCamp 180.
Workshop content is devoted primarily to JCamp 180's core focus areas and relevant to all: Strategic Planning, Governance, and Fundraising. We will also provide additional content on Legacy Fundraising, Board Development, Communications/Outreach, and Enrollment. This year you will also find sessions related to this unique moment - helping you and your camp to adapt to the incredible challenges you are facing this year.