Poster Hall
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Poster ID: 1

Poster ID: 2
Name: Joohwan Kim
Affiliation: UC San Diego
Poster Title: Efficient ion acceleration with continuous fields from multi-picosecond short pulse lasers.

Poster ID: 3
Name: Travis Griffin
Affiliation: University of Nevada, Reno
Poster Title: High Repetition Rate X-ray Fresnel Diffraction Radiography at the Extreme Light Laboratory

Poster ID: 4

Poster ID: 5
Name: Mario Manuel
Affiliation: General Atomics
Poster Title: Overview of the General Atomics LAboratory to Develop Rep-rated Instrumentation for Experiments with Lasers (GALADRIEL) Facility

Poster ID: 6
Name: Marc Zimmer
Affiliation: Technische Universität Darmstadt
Poster Title: Demonstrating non-destructive material analysis with a laser-driven neutron source.

Poster ID: 7
Name: Armando Zuffi
Affiliation: IPEN-CNEN/SP
Poster Title: Development of de Laval nozzles and a time-resolved Mach–Zehnder like interferometer for laser wakefield acceleration studies at IPEN

Poster ID: 8
Name: Griffin Glenn
Affiliation: SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Poster Title: Self-generated proton radiography of magnetic field topology in ultra-high intensity laser-plasma interactions

Poster ID: 9
Name: Septimiu Balascuta
Affiliation: Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH)
Poster Title: 1PW laser driven plasma imaging based on interferometry and shadowgraphy at ELI-NP

Poster ID: 10
Name: Md Mohsinur Rahman Adnan
Affiliation: The Ohio State University
Poster Title: Ultrashort Pulse Induced Micro-explosion Time Resolved Dynamics in Bulk UV Fused Silica (Poster)

Poster ID: 11
**Poster Withdrawn**

Poster ID: 12

Poster ID: 13
Name: J. Ryan Peterson
Affiliation: SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/Stanford University
Poster Title: Magnetic field amplification by a nonlinear electron streaming instability

Poster ID: 14
Name: Heide Ibrahim
Affiliation: ALLS / INRS
Poster Title: A molecular road movie - directly imaging roaming dynamics

Poster ID: 15
Name: Tanner Cordova
Affiliation: University of California, San Diego - Jacobs School of Engineering
Poster Title: Investigation of pulse length’s effect on direct laser ablation and shock generation at Intensity of 10^15 W cm^-2

Poster ID: 16
Name: Shu Zhang
Affiliation: Princeton University
Poster Title: Boundary Effect in Laser-driven Capacitor Coil Magnetic Reconnection Experiment

Poster ID: 17
Name: Deepak Kumar
Affiliation: Johns Hopkins University
Poster Title: Laser absorption at relativistic intensities

Poster ID: 18
Name: Matt Evans
Affiliation: University of Rochester
Poster Title: Study of edge ablation in magnetic anvil cells

Poster ID: 19
Name: Nicholas Hartley
Affiliation: SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/Stanford University
Poster Title: Plastic “fogging” in dynamic compression experiments

Poster ID: 20
Name: Adeola Aghedo
Affiliation: Florida A&M University(FAMU), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory(LLNL)
Poster Title: Analytical model of bremsstrahlung emission from short-pulse high-intensity laser interaction with solid targets

Poster ID: 21 Poster Competition Winner
Name: Ian Karl Ocampo
Affiliation: Princeton University
Poster Title: Effect of iron on the B1-B2 phase transformation in (Mg,Fe)O under laser-driven ramp compression

Poster ID: 22
Name: Itamar Cohen
Affiliation: Tel Aviv university
Poster Title: Laser Wakefield Acceleration from Nebular-Shaped Plasmas

Poster ID: 23
Name: Boya Li
Affiliation: UCSD
Poster Title: Amorphization of Covalently-bonded Materials: A Generalized Deformation Mechanism under Extreme Conditions

Poster ID: 24
Name: Mitchell Sinclair
Affiliation: UCLA
Poster Title: Development of a Self-Modulated Laser Wakefield Accelerator Platform with a 10 keV to 1 MeV Hyper Spectral Photon Source for HEDS

Poster ID: 25
Name: Scott Feister
Affiliation: California State University Channel Islands
Poster Title: Automated Facility Control for Data-Rich Experiments Small and Large

Poster ID: 26
Name: Kaikai Zhang
Affiliation: Amplitude Laser Group
Poster Title: Multi-PW class lasers: industrial-grade state of the art

Poster ID: 27
Name: Pawala Ariyathilaka
Affiliation: Scitech Precision Limited
Poster Title: Fabricating a Microtarget for High Power Laser Experiments

Poster ID: 28
Name: Thomas Schenkel
Affiliation: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Poster Title: Color center qubit synthesis far from equilibrium

Poster ID: 29
Name: Elias Gerstmayr
Affiliation: SLAC National Laboratory
Poster Title: SLAC E-320: Probing Strong-Field QED at FACET-II

Poster ID: 30
Name: Seung-Whan Bahk
Affiliation: University of Rochester
Poster Title: "First Light" results for MTW-OPAL, an all-OPCPA platform for laser development and petawatt science

Poster ID: 31
Name: Justin Twardowski
Affiliation: Ohio State University
Poster Title: Development of an ultra-broadband probe to capture ultra-intense laser plasma dynamics at the ABL facility

Poster ID: 32 Poster Competition Winner
Name: Hayden Beatty
Affiliation: The Ohio State University, Femto-Solid Laboratory
Poster Title: PIC-simulation of ultra-intense laser plasma interaction with silica microspheres

Poster ID: 33
Name: Shoujun Wang
Affiliation: Colorado State University
Poster Title: Ion acceleration and D-D fusion neutron generation in relativistically transparent deuterated nanowire arrays

Poster ID: 34
Name: Petros Tzeferacos
Affiliation: University of Rochester
Poster Title: A Simulation Resource Team for Innovative Fusion Concepts in the BETHE program

Poster ID: 35 Poster Competition Winner
Name: Isabella Pagano
Affiliation: University of Texas at Austin/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Poster Title: Source Size Analysis of X-rays Driven By Laser Wakefield Acceleration

Poster ID: 36 Poster Competition Winner
Name: Jason Chou
Affiliation: SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Poster Title: Optimizing ion beam quality from laser radiation pressure acceleration

Poster ID: 37
Name: Reed Hollinger
Affiliation: Colorado State University
Poster Title: Time resolved Ni K-shell x-ray emission from nanowires irradiated at highly relativistic intensities

Poster ID: 38
Name: Michael Chini
Affiliation: University of Central Florida
Poster Title: On-chip Petahertz Oscilloscope

Poster ID: 39
Name: Peter Norreys
Affiliation: University of Oxford
Poster Title: A pathway towards burning plasmas with sub-megajoule laser drivers