Virginia Retirement System
Classified Employees: Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Overview
Description: For newly hired classified employees (with no prior state service), membership in VRS Hybrid Retirement Plan is automatic. The Hybrid Retirement Plan combines the features of a defined benefit plan and a defined contribution plan. The plan applies to most members hired on or after January 1, 2014, and employees who elected to opt into the plan in 2014. Knowing your VRS retirement plan is the starting point for understanding the member benefits available to you. Topics covered in this session will include the value of your benefit, vesting, and retirement eligibility, along with ways to enhance your retirement benefit.
This session will also include general information on retirement plan options to prepare employees with prior state service for a personal and comprehensive 1:1 session with a VRS benefits consultant.
Presentation: Group_Session_VRSClassified.pdf
Contact Information: VRS Contact Center ( 1-888-827-3847)
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