- Website: www.captrustadvice.com
- Contact Number: 800-967-9948
Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m .- 5:30 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
View without login: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19e0PHA1bLxdTemlWKLObk-cl83KIpxXu/view?usp=sharing
- View your account balance
- View or change the amount your contributions in the 403(b) Plan
- Change retirement vendors
- Access links to specific retirement provider account information
- Enroll in the 403(b) and 401(a) plans and select your retirement provider(s)
- Fidelity Investments – 800.343.0860
- Website: www.netbenefits.com/odu
- Email: benefits@odu.edu
- Contact Number: 757-683-3042.
- Website: https://www.dhrm.virginia.gov/
- Matthew Schenk - SchenkMR@evms.EDU
- Megan Alston - AlstonMA@evms.edu
Virginia Retirement System
Classified Employees: Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Overview
Description: For newly hired classified employees (with no prior state service), membership in VRS Hybrid Retirement Plan is automatic. The Hybrid Retirement Plan combines the features of a defined benefit plan and a defined contribution plan. The plan applies to most members hired on or after January 1, 2014, and employees who elected to opt into the plan in 2014. Knowing your VRS retirement plan is the starting point for understanding the member benefits available to you. Topics covered in this session will include the value of your benefit, vesting, and retirement eligibility, along with ways to enhance your retirement benefit.
This session will also include general information on retirement plan options to prepare employees with prior state service for a personal and comprehensive 1:1 session with a VRS benefits consultant.
Presentation: Group_Session_VRSClassified.pdf
Contact Information: VRS Contact Center ( 1-888-827-3847)
View without login: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dtBI9LbuXPdgxfcmngUAh5VABvodwocr/view?usp=sharing
Virginia Retirement System
Faculty Employees: Faculty Optional Retirement Plan for Higher Education (ORPHE) or Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Hybrid Retirement Plan)
Description: Eligible faculty have the option to elect to participate in ORPHE or an applicable VRS plan based on your current or prior service date.
ORPHE provider offers a range of investment options, allowing you to create a portfolio with varied characteristics of risk and return. This session will present a general comparison of the features offered in each ORPHE provider's plan and offer information to learn more about your plan, benefits, and investments in ORPHE.
Newly hired faculty employees (with no prior state service) have the option to elect membership in VRS Hybrid Retirement Plan. The Hybrid Retirement Plan combines the features of a defined benefit plan and a defined contribution plan. The plan applies to most members hired on or after January 1, 2014, and employees who elected to opt into the plan in 2014. Knowing your VRS retirement plan is the starting point for understanding the member benefits available to you. Topics covered include the value of your benefit, vesting and retirement eligibility, along with ways to enhance your benefit for retirement.
This session will also include general information on retirement plan options to prepare employees with prior state service for a personal and comprehensive 1:1 session with a VRS benefits consultant.
Presentation: Group_Session_VRS_Faculty.pdf
Contact Information: VRS Contact Center - 1-888-827-3847
View without login: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YdiT3KRf-jA36rnDfHT7yQkfNE8lKhF6/view?usp=sharing
Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) transition to Old Dominion University (ODU) 403(b) and Cash Match Retirement Plans
Description: This informational session will be presented by CAPTRUST, ODU’s independent retirement plan consultant. CAPTRUST will detail the transition for EVMS employees to the ODU 403(b) and Cash Match Retirement Plans. These plans allow participants to save money for retirement through payroll deductions while enjoying certain tax benefits.
Presentation: Group_Session_Captrust.pdf
Contact Information:
Get to Know Fidelity and Your Workplace Savings Plan
Description: This session will present information to learn more about how to make the most of your workplace retirement savings plans and how Fidelity Investments® will support your enrollment, vendor, investment, and salary reduction (deferrals) election process. It will also include an overview of how the NetBenefits® benefits portal will provide you with the ability to:
Presentation: Group_Session_Fidelity.pdf
Contact Information:
Virginia Retirement System
Law Enforcement Employees: Virginia Law Officers’ Retirement System (VaLORS)
Description: As a member of VaLORS, you have an opportunity to lay the foundation for your future retirement needs. This session will present information about retirement eligibility requirements for VaLORS hazardous duty positions, and how multipliers are used to calculate your service retirement benefit. You will also discover VRS resources such as the option to start saving through the Commonwealth of Virginia 457 Deferred Compensation Plan available to help plan your future.
This session will also include general information on retirement plan options to prepare employees with prior state service for a personal and comprehensive 1:1 session with a VRS benefits consultant.
Presentation: Group_Session_VaLORS.pdf
Contact Information: VRS Contact Center - 1-888-827-3847
View without login: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dj-v-lDGOprtB9FFgCyOTglpe8_j3sv-/view?usp=sharing
(Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America) TIAA Presents - New Opportunities for Your Retirement Plan
Description: This session will provide an overview of the Old Dominion University Retirement Plans and the integration with Eastern Virginia Medical School, its benefits, and the opportunities available within the plan. It will also review options for managing your portfolio, tools, and resources, how to get help from TIAA, and the availability to meet one on one with TIAA.
Presentation: Group_Sessions_TIAA.pdf
Contact Information: Schedule an appointment: tiaa.org/schedulenow
Benefits Overview
Synopsis of State Employee Benefits Package
Description: The Commonwealth offers multiple benefits to state employees. This session will focus on health benefits, dental and vision coverage, a flexible spending account option, and the employee assistance program. This overview session will present an outline of health and retirement options, as well as key benefits such as flexible spending accounts, life and long-term care insurance, deferred compensation, and the employee assistance program.
Presentation: Group_Session_Benefits_Overview.pdf
Contact Information:
View without login: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ctPbOT7VifrDx6pMuVLK22mDapbLfY2r/view?usp=sharing
Resident & Fellow Health and Welfare Benefits
Description: This is an informative session aimed at providing residents and fellows with an overview of the health and welfare benefits options. Topics covered will include health insurance, dental and vision coverage, wellness/well-being programs, mental health resources, and welfare benefit insurance options. The objective is to empower residents and fellows to make informed decisions about your healthcare coverage and well-being.
Presentation: Group_Session_ResidentBenefits.pdf
Contact Representatives: