- Select the ticket titled Users’ Meeting and click on "Edit details"
- Scroll down to the upload options at the bottom of the page
- Be sure to let us know if you want to compete for a poster award
- Register and submit poster abstract by the posted deadline.
- Only one presenter is permitted per poster.
- Organize posters into clearly divided sections, including:
- Introduction
- Experimental Aim (or problem definition)
- Experimental Methods (clearly describe how use of the light source facilities contributed to the research, if applicable)
- Summary of Results
- Conclusions
- Poster recommendations
- Legibility - The poster should be readable from a distance of at least 5'. Suggested sizes are a minimum graph size of 10" (25 cm), section heading letters of 3/4" (2 cm), and text and figure lettering not less than 3/8" (1 cm).
- Heading - Provide a heading at the top of your poster that includes the title, author name(s), and the address of the primary presenter/author(s). The recommended lettering size is 1-3/16" (3 cm).
- Titles - Include titles and labels on all figures and tables.
- Dimensions - up to 48" x 48" (4 FT).
- Upload poster PDF
- Consider participating in the Poser Blitz to advertise your poster
- Display your poster before noon and plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before the poster session begins
- Practice and be prepared to give a concise summary of your poster during the poster session
- The Joe Wong poster awards are open to users of both the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) and the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) based on research results from either facility.
- Up to 3 awards will be given to the most exciting, novel and compelling science which utilized either SSRL or LCLS as presented during the poster session.
- The poster competition will be judged by a panel comprised of the Users' Conference Organizing Committee, SSRL Users' Executive Committee (SSRL UEC), LCLS Users' Executive Committee (LCLS UEC), and help from SSRL/LCLS scientists to ensure that broad research areas are covered.
- Judges may develop their own criteria, but in general it will consist of asking poster presenters to give a concise (3-4 minute) summary to the judges. Judges may select a small group of ‘finalists’ that will be asked to also present to the other judges, typically for a shorter time.
- Awards will be announced at the conclusion of the poster session (certificates will be provided at a later date).
- BioXFEL awards will be given out to undergraduate or graduate students (BS, MS or PhD student). It is hoped that this will help encourage students to articulate their research at an early stage. These awards do not have to be directly related to SSRL or LCLS research.
Poster Session
Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Awards
Name: Jenna Vesey
Affiliation: Ramapo College of New Jersey
Poster ID: BIO-8
Title: Separating Single-particle XFEL Data by Machine Learning
Name: Mukul Sonker
Affiliation: Arizona State University
Poster ID: BIO-4
Title: Time-Resolved Structure Elucidation Enabled by 3D-Printed Droplet Microfluidics for Reduced Sample Consumption during Serial Femtosecond Crystallography
Name: Alfred Zong
Affiliation: UC Berkeley/Stanford University
Poster ID: MAT-1
Title: Spin-shear Coupling in 2D Antiferromagnets: Amplified Oscillators and Dynamical Criticality
BioXFEL Outstanding Poster Awards
Name: Moritz Kretschmar
Affiliation: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Poster ID: BIO-5
Title: Time-resolved Structural Measurements on Trimeric Photosystem I from Thermosynechococcus vestitus
Name: Ryan Lamb
Affiliation: University of Michigan
Poster ID: C&C-1
Title: Toolkit for Time-Resolved X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy: Using Polarized Spectroscopy and Multiple Atomic Perspectives to Explore Photochemical Dynamics of Model 3d Transition Metal Complexes
Name: Wenxin Li
Affiliation: Yale University
Poster ID: MAT-2
Title: Role of Fe Intercalation on Antiferromagnet FexNbS2
Name: Lizzie Paulus
Affiliation: Stanford University
Poster ID: ENV-1
Title: Does Manganese Control Organic Carbon Stability on a Hawaiian Grassland Gradient
Name: Doris Mai
Affiliation: California Institute of Technology
Poster ID: C&C-2
Title: Multi-crystal Data Reduction in a Bayesian Framework
Poster Presentations
The User Science Poster Session will be held Wednesday, September 27, from 2:00 - 4:00 pm on the breezeway of Building 053, Scientific User Support Building (SUSB).
Poster sessions and reception provide great opportunities to share your latest advances and results as well as network with colleagues to learn about new capabilities, technology and research results.
Poster List Sorted by Last Name
Poster No |
Competition |
First Name |
Last Name |
Poster Title |
Institution |
No |
Sebastien |
Abadi |
Low Energy Flat Band in the Bilayer Nickelate La3Ni2O7 |
Stanford University |
Yes - student |
Masha |
Aleksich |
Topological Engineering by Size and Steric Direction of Metal-Organic Chalcogenolate (MOCha) Hybrid Assemblies |
University of Connecticut |
Yes - student |
Roberto |
Alvarez |
Sample Delivery Advancements for Fluctuation X-ray Scattering |
Arizona State University |
Yes - student |
Adil |
Ansari |
Synchronized Dripping Nozzle for In-Vacuum X-Ray Scattering Experiments |
Arizona State University |
Yes - any career level |
Jahaun |
Azadmanesh |
Understanding Proton Coupled Electron Transfer in Human Manganese Superoxide Dismutase |
University of Nebraska |
No |
Asmit |
Bhowmick |
Probing Structural Changes at the Water Oxidation Complex in Photosystem II Using Time-resolved XFEL Crystallography |
Yes - student |
Daniel |
Calero |
Time Resolved Experiments of RAS Oncogenic Mutants |
University of Pittsburgh |
No |
Chi |
Cao |
3D Printed Zinc Metal Anodes for Aqueous Zinc Ion Batteries |
Stanford University |
No |
Roberto |
Colina Ruiz |
Study of Ru Complexes Using Ru 3p4d Resonant Inelastic X‑ray Scattering |
No |
Elena |
Corbae |
Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy Studies of Hole Overdoped Ba1-xKxFe2As2 |
Stanford University |
Yes - any career level |
Monty |
Cosby |
High Throughput Powder Diffraction at Beamline 2-1 Enabled by Autonomous Sample Handling |
C&C-13 |
No |
Julien |
Cotelesage |
Oxygen K-edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Liquids Using a Custom High Vacuum Compatible Sample System |
University of Saskatchewan |
No |
Christopher |
Crain |
X-ray Characterization of Structural Degradation in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells Used for Hydrogen Production |
No |
Andrea |
De La Torre Rangel |
Sensitivity of Shape Resonances in HERFD-XANES to Assess Structural Models of Transition Metal Complexes by Fitting FEFF Simulations |
Universidad de Guadalajara |
No |
Betül |
Ertem |
Structural studies of Acetyl-CoA carboxylase from N. maritimus |
Koç University |
No |
Erick |
Espinosa Villatoro |
Synchrotron X-ray Studies Reveal Extreme Fast Charging Effects on NMC811 Li-ion Battery Cathodes |
No |
Martin |
Graßl |
Liquid-phase MeV Ultrafast Electron Diffraction |
Yes - student |
Kevin |
Gu |
An Easy-to-Use Polymeric Fixed Target Chip for Serial Crystallography at XFELs |
UC Davis |
Yes - student |
Ethan |
Holleman |
Polo; a GUI for High Throughput Crystallization Screening after Three Years of Deployment |
UC Davis |
No |
J Austin |
Johnson |
Crystal Structure of 4-hydroxybutyryl CoA Synthetase (ADP-forming): A Key Enzyme in the Thaumarachael Hydroxypropionate/ hydroxybutyrate Cycle |
Koc University |
Yes - student |
Armin |
Kalita |
What is First Phase of Ice That Forms When Supercooled Water Freezes? |
Rutgers University |
Yes - student |
Moritz |
Kretzschmar |
Time-resolved Structural Measurements on Trimeric Photosystem I from Thermosynechococcus vestitus |
Yes - any career level |
Sarvesh |
Kumar |
Gas Phase Molecular Dynamics of Methanol |
Yes - student |
Ryan |
Lamb |
Toolkit for Time-Resolved X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy: Using Polarized Spectroscopy and Multiple Atomic Perspectives to Explore Photochemical Dynamics of Model 3d Transition Metal Complexes |
University of Michigan |
No |
Philipp |
Lenzen |
Ultrafast Coupled Nuclear and Electronic Motion in Acetylacetone |
Yes - student |
Wenxin |
Li |
Role of Fe Intercalation on Antiferromagnet FexNbS2 |
Yale University |
No |
Yingfei |
Li |
Spectroscopic Evidence for Topological Band Structure in FeTe0.55Se0.45 |
Stanford University |
No |
Jiarui |
Li |
Quantum Paraelectric to Ferroelectric Transition in Strained SrTiO3 Membrane |
Yes - student |
Doris |
Mai |
Multi-crystal Data Reduction in a Bayesian Framework |
Caltech |
Yes - student |
Dimitra |
Manatou |
A Comprehensive and Automated Python-Based Pipeline for Microjet Characterization: Pushing the Boundaries of GDVN Performance |
Arizona State University |
No |
Konstantina |
Mason |
Design Principles of Multinary Chalcogenides for Reactive Capture & Conversion of CO2 |
UC Davis |
No |
Katherine |
Mateos |
Particulate Iron Sources and Bioavailability in the Amundsen Sea: Determining Mineralogy and Speciation Using K-edge XAS Spectroscopy |
UC Santa Cruz |
Yes - student |
Taylor |
McClain |
Ultrafast Time-Resolved Spectroscopy Using Optical and X-ray Probes Elucidates the Structural and Electronic Evolution of Photoexcited Coenzyme B12 |
University of Michigan |
Yes - student |
Madeline |
Moradi |
A Structural and Kinetic Basis for Cytarabine and Gemcitabine Inhibition |
Pacific University |
Yes - any career level |
Amke |
Nimmrich |
Probing the Coupled Electronic and Atomic Structure of H-bonded Complexes |
University of Washington |
Yes - student |
Dayeeta |
Pal |
Characterizing Dislocations by Formulating the Invisibility Criterion for DXFM |
Stanford University |
Yes - student |
Lizzie |
Paulus |
Does Manganese Control Organic Carbon Stability on a Hawaiian Grassland Gradient |
Yes - student |
Caitlin |
Reiter |
A New Tool for Identifying Data Artifacts in Serially Collected Crystallographic Data |
Grand Canyon University |
BIO-17 |
No |
Ayanna |
Sarr |
Crystallization of Focal Adhesion Target Domain of Focal Adhesion Kinase for Structural Studies by XFEL |
University of Louisville |
Yes - any career level |
Moniruzzaman |
Shaikh |
Probing Electron Correlation in Ethylene Molecules by Direct Photo Double Ionization |
No |
Xiaozhe |
Shen |
SLAC MeV Ultrafast Electron Diffraction R&D Updates |
No |
Clyde |
Smith |
The C5α-Methyl Substituted Carbapenem NA-1-157 Inhibits the Class A Carbapenemase GES-5 |
Yes - student |
Mukul |
Sonker |
Time-Resolved Structure Elucidation Enabled by 3D-Printed Droplet Microfluidics for Reduced Sample Consumption during Serial Femtosecond Crystallography |
Arizona State University |
Yes - student |
Ryan |
Tumbleson |
Sub-nanosecond Magnetic Fluctuations Near a Helical Reorientation Transition |
UC Santa Cruz |
Yes - student |
Jenna |
Vesey |
Separating Single-particle XFEL Data by Machine Learning |
Ramapo College of New Jersey |
Yes - student |
Linda |
Vogt |
Sulfur X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy of Organic Sulfones |
University of Saskatchewan |
No |
Ruohan |
Wang |
Realization of Different Phases in Cuprate Thin Films Through Reactive Molecular Beam Epitaxy |
Stanford University |
Yes - student |
Kejun |
Xu |
The Dilemma of Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuation Pairing |
Stanford University |
Yes - student |
Zhaoyuan |
Yang |
Measuring Charge Delocalization in Mixed-Valence Complexes using Transient Fe K-edge X-ray Spectroscopy |
University of Washington |
Yes - student |
Weilai |
Yu |
Chemistry, Formation, and Passivation of Solid-electrolyte Interphase (SEI) at Li-metal Potential |
Stanford University |
Yes - any career level |
Magda |
Zaoralova |
Visualizing Spatial and Temporal Responses of Plant Cells to the Environment |
Yes - any career level |
Yong |
Zhong |
From Stoner to Local Moment Magnetism in Atomically Thin Cr2Te3 |
Stanford University |
Yes - any career level |
Alfred |
Zong |
Spin-shear Coupling in 2D Antiferromagnets: Amplified Oscillators and Dynamical Criticality |
UC Berkeley / Stanford University |
The User Conference registration fee is waived only for students who registered and submitted their poster abstract BEFORE September 18 AND who present a poster during the poster session.
Students are encouraged to attend other sessions/workshops and to interact with colleagues from across the broader user community. We have very limited space, but we may be able to accommodate a few additional posters if space allows.
Abstract Submittal
Using the link provided on your Users' Meeting confirmation email, click on the blue "Manage your Registration" button.
Push pins will be provided to display your diagrams, graphs, data, pictures and a small amount of text. No audiovisual equipment is available.
Promote your poster during the poster blitz which will occur at the conclusion of the Wednesday, September 27 Plenary Session. To participate in the Poster Blitz, contact Bill Schlotter BEFORE SEPTEMBER 18, send a PowerPoint slide, and prepare a ~30-second pitch to advertise your poster. Keep technical jargon to a minimum – past blitz presenters have incorporated art, cartoons, illustrations, singing, dancing, and poetry
Wednesday, September 27 - AM: Check in with the registration desk when you arrive for your assigned poster space. Set up your poster BEFORE noon. NOTE: Your space may be re-assigned if you have not checked-in and hung up your poster before noon.
Wednesday, September 27 - PM: Poster competition participants should arrive at 1:45 pm and plan to staff poster 2-4 pm. The poster session and reception will continue until 7:00 to include time to mingle and check out other posters.
The Joe Wong and BioXFEL Outstanding Poster Awards will be announced online, and awards will be presented at the plenary session on Thursday, September 28.
Wednesday, September 27 PM / Thursday, September 28 AM: Please retrieve your posters before you leave. Posters not retrieved by 8 am on Thursday will be re-purposed by the facilities or discarded.
The Poster Awards are established to promote multi-disciplinary interactions among the light source user community, to recognize the best poster presentations at the Annual Users' Conference, and specifically to help students in preparing for their science careers.
The poster competition will be judged by a panel comprised of the Users' Meeting Organizing Committee, members of the SSRL and LCLS Users' Executive Committees, and SSRL/LCLS and invited scientists to ensure that broad research areas are covered.
Unfortunately, we cannot print posters. However, there are a number of printing companies with offices in Palo Alto that you can send a .PDF file to and have them print your poster for you to pick up when you arrive. Most will print within 3-5 days, so it is recommended to arrange printing in advance!
Copy Factory - 3929 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306. Phone: (650) 856-2020.
FedEx Office and Print Shop - 249 California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306. Phone: (650) 328-3381.
SSRL scientists, postdocs and students should contact Michelle Steger for poster printing options.