The Matter in Extreme Conditions instrument is in the planning phases of a major upgrade that would create a new experimental hall combining world-class high power lasers with the LCLS hard X-ray line. Following a brief update on MEC operations, this workshop will update the community on the current status of the project, including science motivations and plans for configurations and flagship experiments. A Town Hall Q&A session will be led by the speakers
Gilliss Dyer, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory /LCLS
Siegfried Glenzer, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/Fundamental Physics
8:00 AM MEC Upgrade Project: DOE perspective Kramer Akli- Department of Energy Fusion Energy Science
8:15 AM MEC upgrade project: LCLS perspective Mike Dunne- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
8:30 AM Frontier Science on the Upgraded MEC Siegfried Glenzer- SLAC National AcceleratoLaboratory/Fundamental Physics
9:30 AM Intro to The User Advisory Panel Richard Sandberg- Brigham Young University
10:00 AM Break (15 min)
10:15 AM Experimental Platforms and Flagship Configurations Gilliss Dyer SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
10:45 AM MEC Upgrade Project Status Alan Fry- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
11:15 AM Q&A and Summary Session