- Activating and Monitoring Biological Processes in Time-Resolved Experiments
- Anatomy and Physiology of X-ray Pixel Detectors
- Applications of Machine Learning in the Structural Sciences
- Characterization of Static and Dynamic Disorder in Condensed Phase Materials
- Cryo-EM of COVID-related Macromolecules
- From the Molecular to the Macro-Scale: Spectroscopic Imaging in the Earth Sciences Across the Photon Spectrum
- Functional X-ray Imaging
- Ghost imaging with X-rays and electrons
- How to present scientific content in different contexts
- LCLS-II Data Systems, Reduction, Acquisition and Analysis
- LCLS-II Early Science: High-repetition Rate Experiments at the ChemRIXS Instrument
- LCLS-II-HE Instrument refinement
- Early Science Opportunities with High Repetition Rate X-ray Sources in Gas Phase Systems
- Matter in Extreme Conditions Upgrade Project
- Metals in Structural Biology I
- Metals in Structural Biology II
- Opportunities in Chemistry & Catalysis Research Using Quick Scanning XAS
- Resonant Elastic and Inelastic X-ray Scattering applications for Quantum and Energy Materials: Transition-Edge-Sensor (TES) Applications
- Science with Femtosecond Pulse Trains
- Theoretical Spectroscopy Methods and Workflows for Accurate and High Throughput X-ray Spectroscopy Prediction
- Ultrafast Studies on Low-Energy Excitations in Quantum Materials
- X-ray Science Applications for COVID-19 Research
2020 Virtual SSRL/LCLS Users' Meeting
September 28 - October 9, 2020
About the Event
The joint Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) and the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Users' Conference will be held VIRTUALLY! To facilitate participation by our international User community, we are planning for shorter sessions primarily scheduled in the mornings and early afternoon (Pacific). There is no cost to register, but you must register to access the sessions and workshops.
Every year, thousands of scientists from universities, laboratories, and private companies around the world use our cutting-edge research facilities. Their discoveries benefit a wide range of fields, including materials and energy sciences, chemistry, biology, medicine, environmental science, engineering, astronomy, and physics.
This annual meeting is a unique opportunity to gather together the lightsource community in a single scientific event that includes numerous presentations in plenary, poster, and parallel sessions. Participants are able to learn about current/future facility capabilities and the latest user research as well as to discuss science with colleagues from academia, research laboratories, and industry worldwide.
>>Plenary Sessions >> Keynote Talks >>Award Presentations
>> Scientific Workshops >>Poster Sessions >>Townhall Discussions >>Breakout Sessions
Young Investigator Awards and Presentations:
LCLS Young Investigator Award
SSRL William E. and Diane M. Spicer Young Investigator Award
SSRL Melvin P. Klein Scientific Development Award
SSRL Farrel W. Lytle Award
Scientific Workshops
Plenary Session - Keynote Talks
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

As one of 17 Department of Energy national labs, SLAC pushes the frontiers of human knowledge and drives discoveries that benefit humankind. We invent the tools that make those discoveries possible and share them with scientists all over the world.
Explore our facilities and learn about our exciting research through this interactive tour.

SSRL provides extremely bright X-rays for a wide range of experiments that probe matter down to the scale of atoms and molecules. These studies target advances in energy production, human health, environmental cleanup, nanotechnology, novel materials and information technology, among other areas.

LCLS produces ultrafast pulses of X-ray laser light a billion times brighter than any previous X-ray source, allowing researchers to freeze the motions of atoms and molecules and string those images together to make stop-motion movies.
SLAC is operated by Stanford University for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time