This workshop will focus on Early Science opportunities for studying gas-phase molecular dynamics with the high repetition rate X-ray pulses available from LCLS-II. We will focus on opportunities using coincidence methods applied in our reaction microscope end station (DREAM).
James Cryan, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
Peter Walter, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
8:00 AM Introduction - Call for Early Science, Robert Schoenlein- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
8:10 AM The TMO instrument - DREAM, Peter Walter-SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
8:30 AM Ultrafast molecular and electronic dynamics to be probed by high repetition rate XFELs, Kiyoshi Ueda- Tohoku University
8:55 AM COLTRIMS Reaction Microscopes at XFELs - Lessons learned and future perspectives, Till Jahnke- Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
9:20 AM Break
9:30 AM Probing Ultrafast Molecular Dynamics with Photoelectrons, Arnaud Rouzee- Max Born Institute Berlin
9:55 AM Tracking electronic coherence following photoionization, Jon Marangos- Imperial College London
10:20 AM DREAMing of Coincidences: Investigation of Molecular Dynamics, Electron Correlation, Bond Imaging, and Ionization Mechanisms of small Systems, Thorsten Weber- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
10:45 AM Break
10:55 AM High Rep. Rate Attosecond Pulses, Agostino Marinelli- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/ PULSE
11:15 AM Proposed Early Science with DREAM, Peter Walter- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
11:35 AM Contributed Session - up to 6 different 5 min presentations, James Cryan (moderator)
11:40 AM Discussion of Early Science Plan, James Cryan (moderator)
12:10 PM End