The goal of the workshop is to provide a basic training on detectors, an overview of new detectors and tools available at SLAC facilities and an outline of the novel detectors under development for SLAC. In the first part presenters will provide a short overview of the architectures, the working principles, the characteristic parameters and the most common non-idealities of 2D area pixel x-ray detectors for applications at FELs and Storage Rings. Few example case studies will be presented. In the second part new available detector for run18 will be presented together with an overview of the tools for quality data tacking available at LCLS. Participants will get an introduction into how to apply calibration data, use online monitoring to assess their data and tune their experimental setup in real time. In conclusion and overview of the high frame rate detector under developments for LCLS-II/HE will be presented.
The information provided in this workshop will help users to write proposals and design their experiments with our available detectors as well as plan for future experiment based on the characteristics of the detectors under development.
Angelo Dragone, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/Linac Coherent Light Source
Gabriel Blaj, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/Linac Coherent Light Source
Phil Hart, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/Linac Coherent Light Source
Mark McKelvey, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/Linac Coherent Light Source
Kaz Nakahara, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
Lorenzo Rota, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
8:00 AM Welcome and Introduction
8:05 AM Anatomy and Physiology of X-ray Pixel Detectors Angelo Dragone- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
8:45 AM Case study 1: The DSSC Detector for EuXFEL Matteo Porro- European X-FEL
9:05 AM Case study 2: The ePix10k Detector for LCLS Chris Kenney / Lorenzo Rota- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
9:25 AM Case study 3: The CITIUS Detector for Spring8 Takaki Hatsui- SACLA/Spring8
9:45 AM X-ray Pixel Detectors Calibration Phil Hart / Gabriel Blaj- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
10:10 AM Coffee break / Slideshow
10:20 AM New detectors for run18 at LCLS Mark McKelvey SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
10:40 AM "How to take good data: tools for detectors at LCLS
(On line monitors,GUI interfaces, calibration scripts)" Kaz Nakahara- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
11:10 AM Basic consideration for detector data analysis Gabriel Blaj / Phil Hart- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
11:30 AM X-ray Detector Developments for LCLS-II/HE Angelo Dragone / Mark McKelvey- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/LCLS
12:00 PM Conclusion