CoMotion LA LIVE
Public, Non-Profit, Academia & Media
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CoMotion LA LIVE: Where Innovation, Policy and Business Come Together to Design the Future of Urban Mobility
The world around us is changing like never before; in the face of a crisis, our cities – and how we move about them – cry out for rapid rethinking. We need a recovery that means not just a return to the old status quo, but to a world of mobility that better serves our cities and their citizens. We need A New Deal for Mobility, and that’s why CoMotion is convening key global urban and mobility leaders to answer the call. Join them this November 17 to 19.
Global mayors and policymakers, leading technologists, public transport operators and venture capitalists, start-ups and established players – all will gather at an event of critical importance: CoMotion LA LIVE.
We’ll be broadcasting these sessions to the world – and making select content free to view – as we encourage the entire field of mobility to come together in this time of crisis. We need new solutions, new thinking, and brave challenges to the status quo, to ensure the world emerges from this crisis with smarter, faster, and more equitable mobility systems.
An Important Event for an Unprecedented Moment
“This year’s CoMotion LA gathering is so important. As we recover from the crisis it’s critical that we rebuild our transportation systems in green, healthy and sustainable ways that better serve cities and citizens – that is why we are calling for a bold New Deal for Mobility. We hope you join us, and thousands of other leaders from the public and private sectors, as we work to transform cities and transform lives.” – John Rossant, CEO, CoMotion.

Focusing on topics like curbs and infrastructure, complete streets, the 15-minute city, and building a world where new mobility is equally accessible to all.

Exploring key topics like MDS, IoT, 5G as well as MaaS, data governance, and the new commuting patterns emerging post-pandemic.

Diving into emerging transportation modes like urban aerial mobility and autonomous vehicles, micromobility and delivery - and the venture funders powering these innovation leaps. And get a glimpse into the mobility of the future with this year’s LA New Mobility Challenge.

Touching on the transition to new, decarbonized propulsion systems like hydrogen fuel cells and battery electric, as well as empowering active and shared mobility.