Thu May 08
2:00 PM
2:05 PM
2:15 PM
- How will Trump’s "America First" approach to policymaking impact US and global economies for the rest of 2025? Will it backfire?
- Are investors prepared for more geopolitical “surprises” in the months and years ahead?
- What are the drivers and prospects for economic growth in China and also across ASEAN?
- What potential risks are we underestimating, both in emerging and developed markets
2:35 PM
- What’s the role of different equity markets and indices in capturing market opportunities?
- Where are the most compelling opportunities in 2025 in US equities?
- Emerging Asia equities at-a-glance: key markets to consider
- How can investors blend exposure across US and Asian markets?
3:00 PM
- APAC's growth trajectory and the case for FCF investing
- FCF investing case studies
3:15 PM
3:40 PM
- What is the attractiveness of REITs in volatile markets, and how can they be incorporated in investment strategies as part of an index solution?
- How are Asian and global REITs performing against today’s macro backdrop?
4:05 PM
- Digital asset market outlook – what are the main drivers and risks? How have they changed?
- What is the role of cryptocurrency in diversification today? Are index strategies the answer?
4:30 PM
- Asset allocation: what are today’s main drivers amid macro and geopolitical dynamics?
- Diversification: how can investors achieve the right balance? Where should they be looking?
- Liquidity: is it more important now than in recent years? How can investors achieve this?
- Strategy: where are the investment hotspots, and how can portfolios get the right exposure?
- TAA: how “active” should we now be?