Why las vegas

Your survey feedback after the 2019 SLOC Conference indicated a preference for a West Coast SLOC Conference, and after pricing out all of our options - and taking into consideration things like flight pricing, accessibility, and regional capacity - it was clear the Las Vegas was the best choice for us!

The regional diversity in Las Vegas sets the scene for a conference focused on leaders of color. The most recent Census indicated significant growth in the size of the Black, Asian, and Hispanic communities.

Las Vegas has been one of TFA's high-need regions for some time now. More than half the students in Las Vegas and the surrounding area attend Title I schools and qualify for free and reduced-price lunch. Hosting the SLOC Conference there provides helpful context about the real needs for leadership in such areas.
Regional Collective Highlight
When people think of Las Vegas, they usually think of bright lights, a blazing sun, or slot machines. But there’s another face of the city, one very different from most stories about Sin City.
There is great opportunity, but also great need.
Alumni of color are changing the game for our kids in Las Vegas - they are founding and leading schools, nonprofits, and community initiatives that are making a difference for our kids every day. We want you to meet them, hear from them, and connect with them as part of the professional development prioritized by this conference.