- A school leader is defined as anyone who is the current principal or the head of a school.
- A mid-level school leader is defined as anyone who is currently working in a full-time position within a school that manages adults. These include: Assistant Principals, Deans, and Instructional Leaders/Coaches.
- A school systems leader is defined as anyone who:
- serves as a Superintendent/Chancellor/Commissioner or equivalent of a public school district, charter management organization, or state education agency.
- works at a school district or within a charter management network/organization, reporting to a Superintendent or cabinet level role.
- mid-level school system leader, who currently works full-time within a charter management organization or district.
2023 School Leaders of Color Conference
February 2 - 4, 2023
School and system level leaders are a critical lever in impacting the outcomes for our students. They have the profound impact of being able to both positively influence students directly and create the institutional conditions that make schools and systems more equitable at scale. School and system leaders who identify as Black, Indigenous, and people of color have a particularly crucial role in the quest for educational equity, and Teach For America’s network of school and systems leaders is representationally more diverse than the national average.
We are excited to gather in person this year at the Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza! Our goal is to provide BIPOC school and systems leaders professional development and the opportunity for them to find inspiration and connect with one another in a space not found elsewhere in the educational ecosystem.
Early Bird Registration ends on November 30.
Prices will increase by $50.
For the purposes of this conference, school and systems leaders are defined as follows:
Although SLOC has typically limited attendance to BIPOC TFA alumni who are currently working as school and system leaders, we are making a few shifts for this year's School Leaders of Color Conference.
In addition to BIPOC TFA alumni working as current school and system leaders, 2023 SLOC attendee eligibility will be expanded to include BIPOC non-TFA alumni educators currently working as school and system leaders (as defined above).
Anyone who fits the aforementioned criteria AND identifies as BIPOC is welcome to attend, as this conference is focused on elevating our voices and unique experiences.
Please note TFA staff are not eligible to attend SLOC.
Venue Location