In 2011, our BIPOC alumni community had grown to more than 5,000 people. The Collective emerged from the question: How can we unleash the potential of our alumni who identify as Black, Indigenous, and people of color to advance our mission, faster and stronger?
The Collective network has since grown to include regional chapters and a suite of national programs focused mobilizing this extraordinary network of leaders, and providing space to learn, grow, innovate, influence, and lead change efforts locally and nationally.
Learn more information about The Collective.
Teach For America works in partnership with 350 urban and rural communities across the country to expand educational opportunity for children. Founded in 1990, Teach For America recruits and develops a diverse corps of outstanding leaders to make an initial two-year commitment to teach in high-need schools and become lifelong leaders in the effort to end educational inequity. Today Teach For America is a force of 64,000 alumni and corps members working in over 9,000 schools nationwide in pursuit of profound systemic change. From classrooms to districts to state houses across America, they are reimagining education to realize the day when every child has an equal opportunity to learn, lead, thrive, and co-create a future filled with possibility. Teach For America is a proud member of the AmeriCorps national service network. For more information, visit www.teachforamerica.org and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.