Poster Session I - Monday, April 7
Number | Author | Institution | Abstract Title |
P-1 | Andrew Nelson | Columbia University | Fusion Energy Week: Connecting Communities in the Pursuit of Fusion Energy |
P-2 | Archis Joglekar | Ergodic LLC | Optimal bandwidth spectra for Two Plasmon Decay subject to many plasma conditions |
P-3 | Arnaud Colaitis | University of Rochester | A 3D AMR-ALE framework for ICF and IFE calculations |
P-4 | |||
P-5 | Dan Haberberger | University of Rochester | FZP-based High-Resolution Imprint Radiography |
P-6 | Danielle Brown | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | Resolving Species Contributions in CR-39 Multi-Ion Spectra using Bayesian Inference |
P-7 | Elizabeth Grace | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Single-shot diagnostics for laser produced plasmas |
P-8 | Yasuhiko Sentoku | The University of Osaka | FIREX-NEO Project in ILE – Strategy to Demonstrate Fast Ignition by Upgraded GEKKO-XII and LFEX Lasers |
P-9 | Griffin Glenn | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | Laser-driven ion acceleration from pre-expanded converging H2O microjets |
P-10 | Issa Tamer | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Progress on Diode-Pumped Solid-State Lasers for Inertial Fusion Energy |
P-11 | Jihoon Kim | Cornell University | Numerical and Analytic investigations of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in for excimer laser compression in the strongly damped limit for nuclear fusion applications. |
P-12 | Aurelien Perron | Lawrence Livermore Naitonal Laboratory | Design of Complex High-Performance Materials for Extreme Environments |
P-13 | Clément Goyon | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | STARFIRE hub research highlights and path forward |
P-14 | Dhrumir Patel | University of Rochester | Estimating Neutron Down-Scattered Ratio Through Neutron Time-of-Flight Data on OMEGA Direct-Drive Implosions |
P-15 | Patrick Poole | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | IFE Workforce Development at LLNL |
P-16 | Ramon Rodriguez Lopez | Colorado State University | Amorphous oxide mixtures for λ≤ 355 nm multilayer dielectric coatings |
P-17 | Bruce Remington | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Hydrodynamic instabilities in the context of IFE |
P-18 | Daniel Hodge | Brigham Young University | Single-Shot 2D X-Ray Phase-Contrast Imaging and Phase Retrieval of Void-Shockwave Dynamics |
P-19 | Marco Garten | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Simulations of Ion Beam Focusing in Laser-Irradiated Hemisphere Targets |
P-20 | Maren Hatch | Sandia National Laboratories | The impact of surface imperfections on high-current-density conductors |
P-21 | McKenzie Leininger | Brigham Young University | Flat-field correction of void collapse evolution imaging |
P-22 | Koichi Masuda | EX-Fusion | Advancing XF-COLR: Innovations in Vacuum Systems, Adaptive Optics, Beam Steering, and Target Injection |
P-23 | Kurt-Julian Boehm | General Atomics | Progress towards Target Flight-Tracking and On-The-Fly Engagement for an IFE Injection System |
P-24 | Ryan Lau | University of Colorado, Boulder | Nonlocal Thermal Transport Effects on Laser Propagation in MagLIF-Relevant Gaspipes on NIF |
P-25 | Ryan Nedbailo | University of Texas, Austin | Proton Focusing and Heating of Warm Dense Matter at OMEGA-EP |
P-26 | Sheila Chauwinoir | Texas A&M University | Investigating nonlinear optical phenomena for robust direct drive laser fusion design |
P-27 | Sophia Malko | Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory | Detailed benchmarking of the Nernst effect in magnetized HED plasma |
P-28 | Stefano Faubel | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | Developing a versatile next-generation liquid sheet target for studies in high repetition rate & high-power laser-matter interactions |
P-29 | Travis Hallam | Texas A&M University | High-fidelity Neutronics Analysis for Inertial Confinement Fusion Concepts |
P-30 | Vijay Patel | University of California, Los Angeles | Eliminating Stimulated Raman Backscatter through induced laser bandwidth concomitant from forward scatter |
P-31 | Kyle McMillen | University of Rochester | Gaussian Laser Beam Filamentation Influenced by Additional Smoothed Laser Beams |
Poster Session II - Tuesday, April 8
Number | Author | Institution | Abstract Title |
P-1 | Leland Ellison | Pacific Fusion | Current-Driven ICF Target Design with FLASH |
P-2 | Mario Manuel | General Atomics | High-repetition-rate Technology Development on GALADRIEL Relevant to the Inertial Fusion Energy Industry |
P-3 | Muhammad Fauzan Syahbana | The University of Osaka | High Spectral Resolution X-ray Thomson Scattering Diagnostics in High Density D2 Plasma |
P-4 | Rahman Ejaz | University of Rochester | Optimizing the Performance of Direct-Drive Implosion Experiments Using Meta-Bayesian Optimization |
P-5 | Sonya Dick | South Dakota School of Mines & Technology | A Framework to Measure the Viscosity of HED Materials via Hydrodynamic Instabilities |
P-6 | Varchas Gopalaswamy | University of Rochester | A Physics-Based Bayesian Optimization Framework for Direct-Drive Implosions on Rep-Rated Facilities |
P-7 | Wojciech Rozmus | University of Alberta | Theory of Thomson Scattering via Ray Tracing Simulations |
P-8 | Jorge Rocca | Colorado State University | Multi Mega-electron volt ion acceleration in nanowire arrays irradiated with laser pulses of relativistic intensity for IFE concepts |
P-9 | Justin Galbraith | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | LD-FIRST (Laser Driven Fusion Integration Research and Science Test Facility) – Design Progress and Future Development Pathways |
P-10 | Alenna Streeter | Sydor Technologies | Plasma Electrode Pockels Cell Technology (PEPC) for Inertial Confinement Fusion Energy |
P-11 | Mackenzie Nelson | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Techno-Economic Inertial Fusion Power Plant Design through the Integrated Process Model (“IPM”) |
P-12 | Wolfgang Theobald | Focused Energy | An Implosion Test Facility for Laser Direct-Drive IFE |
P-13 | Xiao Chen | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Inference of anomalous thermal transport using Bayesian optimization with uncertainty quantification in plasma boundary |
P-14 | Alexey Zheltikov | Texas A&M University | On nondamaging laser-damage risk assessment |
P-15 | Mark Moffett | SpaceWave, LLC | Scalable Modular Solid State Switching for Pulsed Power Fusion Applications |
P-16 | Ivan Oleynik | University of South Florida | Exploring the HED physics of amorphous IFE ablator materials |
P-17 | Jhonnatan Gama | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | Laser-driven ion acceleration in overdense and underdense targets: a field- particle correlation perspective |
P-18 | John Kuczek | Los Alamos National Lab | xRAGE modeling for Xcimer target design on OMEGA |
P-19 | Kevin Meaney | Los Alamos National Lab | Fusion reaction history and the physics of burn propagation |
P-20 | Timothy Johnson | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Impact of asymmetries and mix on burn-up fraction for IFE relevant implosions |
P-21 | William Trickey | University of Rochester | Multi-dimensional simulations of igniting direct-drive ICF targets at 250 kJ laser energy |
P-22 | Widianto Moestopo | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Fully additively manufactured wetted foam capsule for inertial confinement fusion |
P-23 | Yongfeng Lu | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Two-photon polymerization and coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy for fusion target fabrication and diagnostics |
P-24 | Abbey Armstrong | University of Rochester | Studying Biermann-Generated Magnetic Fields in a Cylindrically Convergent System |
P-25 | Ajitha Dharmasiri | Texas A&M University | Sculpted laser statistics as a probe for ICF laser-beam stability |
P-26 | Alex Pietrow | University of California, San Diego | Effects of rear surface degradation on TNSA protons for Fast Ignition |
P-27 | Anson Olive & Brianna Rivera | Texas A&M University | Applying Inertial Fusion Energy for Hydrogen Production |
P-28 | Audrey DeVault | MIT | Utilizing the OMEGA High-Resolution Velocimeter (OHRV) to Quantify Shock Front Non-Uniformities in Wetted Foams |
P-29 | |||
P-30 | Christopher Schowenwaelder | Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg | Designing a D2 wetted foam target station |
P-31 | Edna Rebecca Toro Garza | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | Warm Dense Matter Conductivity Measurements using single-shot THz spectroscopy |
Poster Session III - Wednesday, April 9
Number | Author | Institution | Abstract Title |
P-1 | Leland Ellison | Pacific Fusion | Current-Driven ICF Target Design with FLASH |
P-2 | Mario Manuel | General Atomics | High-repetition-rate Technology Development on GALADRIEL Relevant to the Inertial Fusion Energy Industry |
P-3 | Muhammad Fauzan Syahbana | The University of Osaka | High Spectral Resolution X-ray Thomson Scattering Diagnostics in High Density D2 Plasma |
P-4 | Rahman Ejaz | Laboratory for Laser Energetics | Optimizing the Performance of Direct-Drive Implosion Experiments Using Meta-Bayesian Optimization |
P-5 | Sonya Dick | South Dakota School of Mines & Technology | A Framework to Measure the Viscosity of HED Materials via Hydrodynamic Instabilities |
P-6 | Varchas Gopalaswamy | Laboratory for Laser Energetics | A Physics-Based Bayesian Optimization Framework for Direct-Drive Implosions on Rep-Rated Facilities |
P-7 | Wojciech Rozmus | University of Alberta | Theory of Thomson Scattering via Ray Tracing Simulations |
P-8 | Jorge Rocca | Colorado State University | Multi Mega-electron volt ion acceleration in nanowire arrays irradiated with laser pulses of relativistic intensity for IFE concepts |
P-9 | Justin Galbraith | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | LD-FIRST (Laser Driven Fusion Integration Research and Science Test Facility) – Design Progress and Future Development Pathways |
P-10 | Alenna Streeter | Sydor Technologies | Plasma Electrode Pockels Cell Technology (PEPC) for Inertial Confinement Fusion Energy |
P-11 | Mackenzie Nelson | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Techno-Economic Inertial Fusion Power Plant Design through the Integrated Process Model (“IPM”) |
P-12 | Wolfgang Theobald | Focused Energy | An Implosion Test Facility for Laser Direct-Drive IFE |
P-13 | Xiao Chen | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Inference of anomalous thermal transport using Bayesian optimization with uncertainty quantification in plasma boundary |
P-14 | Alexey Zheltikov | Texas A&M University | On nondamaging laser-damage risk assessment |
P-15 | Mark Moffett | SpaceWave, LLC | Scalable Modular Solid State Switching for Pulsed Power Fusion Applications |
P-16 | Ivan Oleynik | University of South Florida | Exploring the HED physics of amorphous IFE ablator materials |
P-17 | Jhonnatan Gama | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | Laser-driven ion acceleration in overdense and underdense targets: a field- particle correlation perspective |
P-18 | John Kuczek | Los Alamos National Lab | xRAGE modeling for Xcimer target design on OMEGA |
P-19 | Kevin Meaney | Los Alamos National Lab | Fusion reaction history and the physics of burn propagation |
P-20 | Timothy Johnson | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Impact of asymmetries and mix on burn-up fraction for IFE relevant implosions |
P-21 | William Trickey | Laboratory for Laser Energetics | Multi-dimensional simulations of igniting direct-drive ICF targets at 250 kJ laser energy |
P-22 | Widianto Moestopo | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Fully additively manufactured wetted foam capsule for inertial confinement fusion |
P-23 | Yongfeng Lu | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Two-photon polymerization and coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy for fusion target fabrication and diagnostics |
P-24 | Abbey Armstrong | Laboratory for Laser Energetics | Studying Biermann-Generated Magnetic Fields in a Cylindrically Convergent System |
P-25 | Ajitha Dharmasiri | Texas A&M University | Sculpted laser statistics as a probe for ICF laser-beam stability |
P-26 | Alex Pietrow | University of California, San Diego | Effects of rear surface degradation on TNSA protons for Fast Ignition |
P-27 | Anson Olive & Brianna Rivera | Texas A&M University | Applying Inertial Fusion Energy for Hydrogen Production |
P-28 | Audrey DeVault | MIT | Utilizing the OMEGA High-Resolution Velocimeter (OHRV) to Quantify Shock Front Non-Uniformities in Wetted Foams |
P-29 | |||
P-30 | Christopher Schowenwaelder | Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg | Designing a D2 wetted foam target station |
P-31 | Edna Rebecca Toro Garza | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | Warm Dense Matter Conductivity Measurements using single-shot THz spectroscopy |