Monday, January 20
09:00-12:00 Physical activity as the cure - an active twist to daily life
Chair: Valgerður Rúnarsdóttir, MD
09:00-09:00 Introduction
09:05-09:25 Environmental influence on health and wellbeing, Kristin Thorleifsdottir, landscape architect, PhD, MLA
09:25-09:45 Physical activity, prevention for heart disease: Karl Kristjánsson, MD, PhD
09:45-10:05 Why stay indoors when you can be outdoors?! Kolbrún Kristínardóttir, MSc, Pediatric Physical Therapist
10:05-10:35 Coffee break
10:35-10:55 From screen time to playtime: encouraging active lifestyles in young individuals: Sunna Gestsdóttir, PhD, psychologist
10:55-11:15 Multifaceted Health Promotion – Future Lifestyle: Janus Guðlaugsson, PhD, Sports and Health Scientist
11:15-11:35 Sport medicine a must for geriatric medicine? Hannes Hrafnkelsson, MD, PhD
11:35-12:00 Discussion and questions
09:00-12:00 HIV – Current Situation in Iceland
Chair: Sigurður Guðmundsson, MD, PhD
09:00-09:30 The United Nation´s 95-95-95 targets. Has Iceland reached the targets? Testing recommendations: Erna Milunka Kojic, MD
09:30-09:50 HIV treatment: Magnús Gottfreðsson, MD, PhD
09:50-10:10 Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: Anna Tómasdóttir, Outpatient Infectious Diseases Clinic, Landspitali
10:10-10:40 Coffee break
10:40-11:00 Results from a survey among health care providers in Iceland on knowledge and stigma pertaining to HIV (Mapping surveillance systems for HIV/AIDS in the European region): Anna M. Guðmundsdóttir, MD, Directorate of Health
11:00-11:20 Metabolic complications in persons living with HIV: Birgir Jóhannsson, MD
11:20-11:40 Diagnosing HIV in the Department of Immigration Health Services: Ansgar Bruno Jones, MD
11:40-12:00 Panel Discussion
Silfurberg B:
09:00-12:00 Liver disease in Iceland: Changing landscape and new challenges
Chair: Sigurður Ólafsson MD
09:00-09:10 Welcome and introduction: Chair
09:10-09:30 Alcoholic liver disease: Einar S. Björnsson MD, PhD
09:30-09:50 Viral hepatitis A-E: Sigurður Ólafsson MD
09:50-10:10 Cirrhosis in Iceland- a major increase in incidence: Steingerður A. Gunnarsdóttir MD, PhD
10:10-10:40 Coffee break
10:40-11:20 MASLD (metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease) in 2024: A New Era Has Begun: Mazen Noureddin, MD, MHSc
11:20-11:40 Clinical approach to the patient with suspected liver disease -role of the primary care physician: Óttar M. Bergmann MD
11:40-12:00 Panel discussions
12:10-13:00 Noon lectures:
Kaldalón: -Clinical genetics – Role and utility in clinical practice
Chair: Jón Jóhannes Jónsson, MD, PhD
-Actionable genotypes – experience and impact in clinical practice: Arna Rut Emilsdóttir MD
-Recessive founder mutations and possibilities of preimplantation genetic testing: Hákon Björn Högnason, genetic counsellor, MSc
-Three revolutions of genetics: Hans Tómas Björnsson, MD, PhD
Silfurberg B: -Sigurður Breiðfjörð and Jónas Hallgrímsson. Two 19th century Icelandic poets with alcohol problems: Óttar Guðmundsson, MD
13:10-16:10 Amyloidosis in Iceland: Mapping of amyloidosis and new challenges
Chair: Gunnar Þór Gunnarsson, MD
13:10-13:20 Introduction/welcome: Gunnar Þór Gunnarsson, MD
13:20-13:40 What is TTR cardiac amyloidosis? Ævar Örn Úlfarsson, MD
13:40-14:00 State of knowledge about TTR cardiac amyloidosis in Iceland: Inga Jóna Ingimarsdóttir, MD
14:00-14:20 Light chains in a tangle. Amyloidosis due to plasma cell disorders: Sæmundur Rögnvaldsson, MD
14:20-14:50 Coffee break
14:50-15:10 Renal amyloidosis: Fjölnir Elvarsson, MD
15:10-15:30 The impact of amyloidosis on the nervous system: Ólöf Jóna Elíasdóttir, MD
15:30-15:50 Interdisciplinary care and future aspects: Þórdís Jóna Hrafnkelsdóttir, MD, PhD
15:50-16:10 Panel discussion
13:10 –16:10 Hospital at home and delivering acute care on the borders of general practice and hospital services
Chair: Jón Magnús Kristjánsson, MD, MBA
13:10-13:20 Introduction: Chair
13:20-13:50 Introduction to different hospital at home models and the possibilities they offer: Daniel Laserson, MD
13:50-14:10 Selfoss Hospital at Home: Guðný Stella Guðnadóttir, MD, PhD
14:10-14:30 The General practice view on collaborating with home care teams: María Ólafsdóttir, MD, PhD
14:30-14-50 Acute ambulatory care in Landspítali University Hospital: Telma Huld Ragnarsdóttir, MD, PhD
14:50-15:20 Coffee break
15:20-15:40 New models of work in Prehospital Medical Services in Iceland: Vicente Sanchez-Brunete Ingelmo, MD, MBA
15:40-16:00 Subacute geriatric evaluation: Anna Björg Jónsdóttir, MD, MPA
16:00-16:10 Discussions
Silfurberg B:
13:10-16:10 What every doctor needs to know about sleep
Chair: Nanna Briem, MD Director of Psychiatric Services at Landspitali
13:00-13:30 The importance of sleep and future of sleep measurements: Erna Sif Arnardóttir, associate professor, director of the HR Sleep Research Center and president of the European Society for Sleep Research (ESRS)
13:30-14:20 Sleep disorders and how to approach them: Prof. Dr. Dirk Pevernagie Pulmonologist and Sleep specialist, Professor Emeritus, Ghent Universityy
14:20-14:50 Coffee break
14:50-15:05 Sleep medicine in Iceland: Erna Sif Arnardóttir, Associate Professor, Director of the Reykjavik University Sleep Institute and President of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS).
15:05-15:10 CBT-I, cognitive behavioural therapy for sleep problems: Erla Björnsdóttir, Psychologist, PhD in sleep research and Manager of Better Sleep.
15:10-15:40 Relaxation exercise before sleep: Þórgunnur Ársælsdóttir, Psychiatrist, Landspitali
15:40-16:00 Drug treatment of sleep problems: Magnús Haraldsson Psychiatrist, Associate Professor, University of Iceland
16:20 Opening ceremony
Tuesday, January 21
Silfurberg B:
09:00-12:00 Insidious presentation of serious diseases in children
Chair: Helga Elídóttir MD, PhD
09:00-09:10 Welcome: Chair
09:10-09:40 Immune deficiency in disguise: Sólrún Melkorka Maggadóttir, MD
09:40-10:10 The never-ending cough: Óli Andri Hermannsson, MD
10:10-10:40 When vomiting is not gastroenteritis: Jóhanna G Pálmadóttir, MD
10:40-11:10 Coffee break
11:10-11:35 A breakthrough in diagnosis and treatment: Brynja K. Þórarinsdóttir, MD
11:35-12:00 Everything is not as it seems- is it hormonal imbalance or something else? Soffía G. Jónasdóttir, MD
09:00-12:00 Pain medicine/treatment
Chair: Kristján G. Guðmundsson, MD, PhD
09:00-09:05 Introduction: Chair
09:05-09:30 Pain; definitions, physiology, and pain medicine: Haraldur Már Guðnason, MD
09:30-09:55 Specific interventions for chronic pain: Birkir Hlynsson, MD
09:55-10:20 non-medical treatment for pain: María Hrafnsdóttir, MD 10:20-10:50 Coffee break
10:50-11:15 The pain problem from the perspective of psychology: Þorsteinn Guðmundsson, psychologist
11:15-11: 40 Pain, epidemiology, treatment, and resources in Iceland: Kristján G. Guðmundsson, MD, PhD
11:40-12:00 Panel discussion
09:00-12:00 What´s up doc?
Chair: To be announced
09:00-09:50 Vaccine hesitancy: Robert M. Jacobson, M.D., F.A.A.P., The T Denny Sanford Professor of Pediatrics, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
09:50-10:40 Common rheumatic diseases and corticosteroids: Katrín Þórarinsdóttir, MD, PhD
10:40-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-12:00 The development of non-invasive treatment options for structural heart disease: Inga Hlíf Melvinsdóttir, MD, MHS
12:10-13:00 Noon lectures:
Silfurberg B: -Famine mortality in Iceland in the 18th and 19th centuries: Guðmundur Jónsson, professor
Kaldalón: -Stories from rural practice
Chair: Margrét Ólafía Tómasdóttir, MD, PhD, chair of the Icelandic College of GP´s Opening: Chair
Story 1: Hera Birgisdóttir, MD
Story 2: Indriði Einar Reynisson, MD Story 3: Hallgrímur Hreiðarsson, MD
Story 4: Súsanna Björg Ástvaldsdóttir, MD
Story 5: Sigurgeir Trausti Höskuldsson, MD
Silfurberg B:
13:10-16:10 Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): Challenges and Actions
Chair: Karl G. Kristinsson, MD, PhD, FRCPath, ESCMID Fellow 13:10-13:15 Introduction: Chair
13:15-13:45 Extensively drug-resistant pathogens – do not let them over the bridge: Arnfinn Sundsfjord, MD, PhD
13:45-14:05 Antimicrobial Use and Resistance: The Situation in Iceland and International Cooperation: Anna Margrét Halldórsdóttir, MD, PhD
14:05-14:30 One Health National Action Plan (NAP) of the Icelandic Government on Antimicrobial Resistance: Þórólfur Guðnason MD, PhD
14:30-15:00 Coffee break
15:00-15:40 Guidelines for the Treatment of Common Infections and Antimicrobial Stewardship in Iceland. Perspectives of Primary care and Landspitali University Hospital:
-Primary Care - Strama and Electronic Monitoring of Prescriptions: Jón Steinar Jónsson, MD
-Landspitali University Hospital - Antimicrobial Stewardship and Clinical Guidelines (Eolas Medical): Birgir Jóhannsson, MD
15:40-16:05 Infection Prevention and Control - How to Tackle Resistant Organisms in Hospitals: Ólafur Guðlaugsson, MD
16:05-16:10 Concluding Remarks: Karl G. Kristinsson, chair
13:10-16:10 Fecal incontinence
Chair: Steinar Ólafsson, MD
13:10-13:15 Introduction: Chair
13:15-13:45 Epidemiology and work up: Kjartan Örvar, MD
13:45-14:00 First line of treatment: Elsa Björk Valsdóttir, MD
14:00-14:15 Relationship between diet and stool: Elínborg Hilmarsdóttir, nutritionist
14:15-14:45 Coffee break
14:45-15:05 Tran anal irrigation and plugs: Birna Björnsdóttir, stoma nurse specialist
15:05-15:25 Physical therapy for the pelvic floor: Katarzyna Maniakowska, physical therapist
15:25-16:00 Operations: Theódór Ásgeirsson, MD
13:10-16:10 One day each man shall die
Chair: Helga M. Ögmundsdóttir, MD, PhD
13:10-13:30 Changing attitudes to death through the ages: Óttar Guðmundsson, MD
13:30-14:00 Causes of death through a century: Sigríður Haralds Elínardóttir, PhD
14:00-14:30 Coffee break
14:30 -15:00 Working close to death – views from palliative care: Arna Dögg Einarsdóttir, MD
15:00 -15:30 A doctor’s experience of assisted suicide: Helgi Hafsteinn Helgason, MD
15:30 -16:00 General discussion
Wednesday, January 22
Silfurberg B:
09:00-12:00 Adult ADHD in Iceland: Diagnostic procedures, prevalence, and treatment
Chair: Engilbert Sigurðsson, MD, PhD
09:00-09:05 Balancing functioning, diagnosis, and treatment of ADHD: Engilbert Sigurðsson, MD, PhD
09:05-09:25 ADHD is over-diagnosed in Iceland: Oddur Ingimarsson, MD, PhD
09:25-09:40 A perspective on behalf of the ADHD Association on adult ADHD diagnostic procedures in Iceland: Vilhjálmur Hjálmarsson, Chair of the ADHD Association
09:40-09:55 The perspective of the ADHD primary health care team on the diagnostic procedures of ADHD among adults: Elvar Daníelsson, MD
09:55-10:10 What is the risk of psychosis or mania developing within a year of adults commencing ADHD treatment? Ragna Kristín Guðbrandsdóttir, MD
10:10-10:40 Coffee break
10:40-10:55 The perspective of a psychologist in private practice on the diagnostic procedures of ADHD among adults: Sóley Dröfn Davíðsdóttir, Psychologist
10:55-11:10 The perspective of a psychiatrist in secondary care on the diagnostic procedures of ADHD among adults: Kristófer Sigurðsson, MD
11:10-11:30 Green Book Working Group on the current state of diagnostic procedures of ADHD: Bjarni Sigurðsson pharmacologist, Chair of Working Group
11:30-12:00 Panel discussion and questions from the audience
09:00-12:00 Connected Europe – Reducing Burden and Increasing Patient Safety with Better Access to Electronic Health Records Across Borders
Chair: Sigurður E. Sigurðsson, MD, Director of Medical and Operational Affairs, The Healthcare Institution of West Iceland
09:00-09:10 Opening Remarks: Ásta Valdimarsdóttir, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health
09:10-09:30 Escalated Burden on Healthcare Professionals with Growing Tourism; Experience of a General Practitioner: Nanna Sigríður Kristinsdóttir, MD
09:30-09:50 Connected Europe and Digital Transformation: Auður Harðardóttir, Directorate of Health
09:50-10:00 How Does This Work? Cross-Border EHR Access for Physicians: Einar Logi Einarsson,
Directorate of Health
10:00-10:10 Unified Implant Registration: Einar Logi Einarsson, Directorate of Health
10:10-10:35 Coffee Break
10:35-10:50 Centralized Medication Card; Current Medication: Sunna Brá Stefánsdóttir, Directorate of Health
10:50-11:10 Laboratory Results and Imaging Reports; Cross-Border Access: Ragnheiður Arnardóttir and Ingi Steinar Ingason, Head of Division, Directorate of Health
11:10-11:25 New Centralized “Snowflake”; Increased Safety in Treatment: Auður Harðardóttir, Directorate of Health
11:25-11:40 Implementation and Dissemination in Iceland: Helga Margrét Clarke, Directorate of Health
11:40-12:00 Questions from the Audience and Discussion
09:00-12:00 Clinical guidelines in treatment of obesity
Chair: Erla Gerður Sveinsdóttir, MD
09:00-09:05 Introduction: Chair
09:05-10:00 Implementing clinical guidelines: Ximena Ramos-Salas, MD, PhD
10:00-10:20 Clinical guidelines for adults: Hildur Thors, MD
10:20-10:50 Coffee break
10:50-11:10 Clinical guidelines for children: Tryggvi Helgason, MD
11:10-11:30 Treatment in Iceland: Guðrún Þ. Höskuldsdóttir, MD and Bjarni G. Viðarsson, MD
11:30-11:55 Stigma in obesity: Ximena Ramos-Salas, MD, PhD
11:55-11:40 Wrap-up and questions
12:10-13:00 Noon lectures:
Silfurberg B: -You are what you eat: Bryndís Eva Birgisdóttir, MD, PhD
Kaldalón: -Syphilis – a historical disease reemerges: Erna M. Kojic, MD
Silfurberg B:
13:10-16:10 Fuel your mind—and the Force will be with you
Chair: Svala Sigurðardóttir, MD
13:10-13:20 Opening: Chair
13:20-13:35 Foundation of the Icelandic Lifestyle Medicine Association (ILMA): Kjartan Hrafn Loftsson, MD
13:35-13:55 Lifestyle medicine, is it really evidence-based? Thomas Wood, MD, PhD, Associate Professor (Faculty Scientist), Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, University of Washington Seattle, WA
13:55-14:10 Metabolic health- for good energy: Tekla Hrund Karlsdóttir, MD
14:10-14:25 Metabolic psychiatry: Guðmundur Freyr Jóhannesson, MD
14:25-14:55 Coffee break
14:55-15:05 Where is your mind? Svala Sigurðardóttir, MD
15:05-15:20 With environmental medicine on the brain: Una Emilsdóttir, MD
15:20-16:05 The Neuroscience of Lifestyle Medicine: Thomas Wood, MD, PhD
16:05-16:10 Panel discussion/question
13:10-16:10 Common topics in Cardiology
Chair: Helga Margrét Skúladóttir, MD
13:10-13:20 Introduction from the chairperson
13:20-13:45 Preventing heart disease: Karl Konráð Andersen, MD, PhD 13:45-14:10 Common arrythmias: Kristján Guðmundsson, MD
14:10-14:35 Approach to heart failure and new therapies: Ævar Örn Úlfarsson, MD
14:35-15:05 Coffee break
15:05-15:35 Coronary disease and CT: Berglind Libungan, MD, PhD 15:35-16:10 EKG quiz: Hjálmar Ragnar Agnarsson, MD
13:10-16:10 Elbows – so much more than tennis elbow. Knees – common problems and challenges in younger patients
Chairperson: Eyþór Örn Jónsson, MD
13:00-14:00 Elbows – so much more than tennis elbow: Eyþór Örn Jónsson, MD
-Introduction: Epidemiology, anatomy, how the elbow works and physical examination
-Tennis elbow – often but not always. Diagnosis and treatment
-Instability – also in the elbow!
-Stiff elbows. Arthrolysis can help
-Arthroplasty, also for elbows!
14:00-15:50 Knees – common problems and challenges in younger patients
-Introduction: Anatomy, physical examination and initial approach to knee injuries: Arnar Sigurðsson, MD
14:20-14:50 Coffee break
-Common stress-related conditions in the knee: Arnar Sigurðsson, MD
-Meniscus tears – practical approach: Þorkell Snæbjörnsson, MD
-Cruciate ligament injuries– aims of treatment: Þorkell Snæbjörnsson, MD
15:50-16:10 Discussion
13:10-16:10 Kirurgia minor – workshop
Maximum number of participants is 15 - special registration is needed Participants are divided into three groups who rotate between three stations. There will be a coffee break after the first two stations.
Station A: Suturing. Instructor: Kristín Huld Haraldsdóttir
Station B: Draining an abscess. Instructor: Kristín Jónsdóttir
Station C: Excision of lesion. Instructor: Örvar Arnarson
Thursday, January 23
Silfurberg B:
09:00-12:00 Legal issues
Program to be announced
09:00-12:00 The environment for medical research at Landspitali – room for improvement
Chair: Sunna Snædal MD, PhD
09:00-09:30 Combining medical research and clinical practice, how do we keep the fire alive? Katrin R. Kemp Guðmundsdóttir MD, PhD and Sunna Snædal MD, PhD
09:30-10:00 Medical research at Landspitali University Hospital; progress and challenges: Magnús Gottfreðsson, MD, PhD
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11:00 My experience in practicing medical research at Landspitali the past years: Sigurdís Haraldsdottir, MD, PhD
11:00-11:30 Embedding a research culture at the University Hospital: Unnur Anna Valdimarsdóttir, epidemiologist, PhD, Professor
11:30-12:00 Panel discussion
09:00-12:00 Methods to improve medication management in older people
Chair: Nanna Sigríður Kristinsdóttir, MD
09:00-09:05 Introduction: Chair
09:05-09:30 Chronic illness of older people - monitoring and review. The need for a clear division of tasks and responsibilities, teamwork, and work processes: Pálmi V. Jónsson, MD, Professor Emeritus
09:30-09:55 Tackling inappropriate medications. Updated Beers criteria and Stop/Start criteria (2023): Aðalsteinn Guðmundsson, MD
09:55-10:25 Coffee break
10:25-10:45 Clinical pharmacy in primary healthcare: Treatment adaptation, deprescribing, practical tools: Elín Ingibjörg Jacobsen, Clinical pharmacist
10:45-11:15 Descriptive cases from home care: Sandra Seidenfaden, MD and Rakel Ingólfsdóttir, MD
11:15-11:35 Implementation of effective medications reviews within Primary Healthcare: Anna Bryndís Blöndal, Chief clinical pharmacist
11:35-12:00 Panel discussion
12:10-13:00 Noon lectures:
Silfurberg B: Cases from The Children´s Hospital in Iceland – Best of the Best: Ásgeir Haraldsson, MD, PhD
13:10-16:10 110th anniversary of the Icelandic Medical Journal 23 of January 2025
Chair: Ólöf Jóna Elíasdóttir editorial member
13:10-13:40 The story of the Icelandic Medical Journal in past and modern time: Helga Ágústa Sigurjónsdóttir, MD, PhD, Chief Editor of the Icelandic Medical Journal
13:40-14:00 The Importance of publication of scientific articles in the Icelandic Medical Journal: Karl Andersen, MD, PhD
14:00-14:10 Prize for the best scientific article in 2024
14:10-14:30 The Importance of publication of case reports in the Icelandic Medical Journal: Sigurður Guðmundsson, MD, PhD, professor emeritus
14:30-14:40 Prize for the best-case report in 2024
14:40-15:10 Birthday coffee break and live music played by Icelandic doctors
15:10-15:40 Panel discussion with former and current Chief Editors of the Icelandic Medical Journal and the current editorial – do we need an Icelandic medical journal? Chair: Halla Vidarsdottir, MD, editorial member
15:40-16:10 Pub quiz on Icelandic medical terms: Sæmundur Rögnvaldsson, MD editorial member
Silfurberg B:
13:10-16:10 Latest development in diagnostics and treatment of dementia disorders
Chair: Jón Snædal, MD, PhD, professor emeritus
13:10-13:20 Welcome and introduction: Chair
13:20-13:55 Alzheimer ‘s disease 2025: Helga Eyjólfsdóttir, MD, PhD
13:55-14:25 Genetic and proteomic research in Alzheimer ‘s disease: Hreinn Stefánsson, CNS, PhD
14:25-14:55 Coffee break
14:55-15:25 Latest development in diagnosis and treatment of Lewy body disease: Annegret Habich, MSc, PhD
15:25-15:55 Latest development in diagnosis and treatment of frontotemporal dementia: Steinunn Þórðardóttir, MD, PhD
15:55-16:10 Panel discussion
13:10-16:10 Symposium for junior doctors
Chair: Hrafnhildur L. Runólfsdóttir, MD, PhD
13:10-13:30 Common methodological pitfalls, why some studies lead to false conclusions: Sæmundur Rögnvaldsson, resident physician
13:30-14:00 Hyponatremia- is the risk of osmotic demyelination syndrome not as great as previously believed? Arnar Snær Ágústsson, resident physician
14:00-14:30 Fluid administration - the perspective of an intensive care specialist: Martin Ingi Sigurðsson, MD, PhD
14:30-15:00 Coffee Break
15:00-15:30 Sensible use of Imaging studies: Enrico Bernardo Arkink, MD
15:30-16:00 The practical side of abdominal pain: Hjördís Ásta Guðmundsdóttir, resident physician
Friday, January 24
Silfurberg B:
09:00-12:00 Endometriosis
Chair: Kolbrún Pálsdóttir, Chief physician at the Gynecological department at Landspítali
09:00-09:10 Opening of the session: Chair
09:10-09:25 Endometriosis and Primary Health Care Services: Margrét Ólafía Tómasdóttir, MD, PhD
09:25-09:40 Secondary Care service and Endometriosis: Hildur Guðjónsdóttir, MD
09:40-09:55 The Endoteam at Landspítali: Ragnheiður Oddný Árnadóttir, MD
09:55-10:10 Pain treatment in Endometriosis – view from the Pain Clinic at Landspítali: Haraldur Már Guðnason, MD
10:10-10:40 Coffee Break
10:40-10:55 Physiotherapists and endometriosis: Katarzyna Magdalena Maniakowska, physiotherapist
10.55-11:10 Psychologists and endometriosis: Anna Guðrún Guðmundsdóttir, psychologist
11:10-11:40 Approach to treatment of Endometriosis in Stockholm: Malin Brunes, MD, PhD
11:40-12:00 Panel discussion
09:00-12:00 It is fun to be a doctor
Chair: Steinunn Þórðardóttir, MD, PhD, President of the Icelandic Medical Association
09:00-09:10 Introduction: Chair
09:10-09:30 It is fun to be a doctor: Steinunn Þórðardóttir, MD, PhD
09:30-09:50 A medical vs. a technical approach to Medicine: Þórður Sverrisson, MD
09:50-10:10 Positive Leadership: Sigurður Böðvarsson, MD, MSc
10:10-10:40 Coffee break
10:40-11:00 Health promotion and happiness at work: Hilda Hrönn Guðmundsdóttir, MD
11:00-11:20 Passion and Burnout: Ólafur Þór Ævarsson, MD, PhD
11:20-11:40 Discussions
09:00-12:00 Streptococcus - an Enduring Battle
Chair: Ásgeir Haraldsson, MD, PhD
09:00-09:10 Introduction: Chair
09:10-09:45 GAS, a very versatile pathogen: Karl G. Kristinsson, MD, PhD, FRCPath, ESCMID Fellow
09:45-10:30 Streptococcus pyogenes – a global perspective: Shiranee Sriskandan, MD, PhD, Professor, FRCP, Imperial, London, UK
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:30 Streptococcal Carriage in Day Care Centers in Iceland: Helga Erlendsdóttir, MSc
11:30-12:00 Recent streptococcal epidemic in Icelandic children: Valtýr Stefánsson Thors, MD, PhD
12:10-13:00 Noon lectures:
Silfurberg B: -Live debate: Technological advances make the daily work of doctors increasingly simple
Moderator: Ásgeir Þór Másson, MD
This is the fourth consecutive year of engaging debates among doctors at Læknadagar! This occasion presents us with the opportunity to celebrate and honor outstanding quality improvement work from our post-graduate trainees, and to have fun together
digging deeper into quality related matters. We are thrilled that our reigning champions have graciously accepted the challenge of defending their title!
Debate team 1: Hrafnhildur L. Runólfsdóttir, MD, PhD and Þórir Bergsson, MD Debate team 2: Defending champions Stella Rún Guðmundsdóttir, MD and Ágúst Hilmarsson, MD
Join us and cast your vote for the winner of this year's debate at the Læknadagar 2025. Your participation makes all the difference
Kaldalón: -Rickets - in Times of Abundance: Soffía Guðrún Jónasdóttir, MD
13:10-16:10 Follow-up in Primary Care?
Chair: Margrét Ólafía Tómasdóttir, MD, PhD
13:10-13:15 Opening of the session: Chair
13:15-13:40 „Return to sender “– comparison of transfer of care between Denmark and Iceland: Ágúst Óskar Gústafsson, MD, GP in Copenhagen
13:40-13:55 „I always went south “– experience of a rural GP: Eyjólfur Þorkelsson, MD
13:55-14:10 „Consult or insult? “– Consulting between doctors in different segments: Sigurveig Margrét Stefánsdóttir, MD
14:10-14:40 Coffee break
14:40-14:55 Cooperation between primary and secondary care – the view of a psychiatrist: Elvar Daníelsson, MD
14:5515:10 Referrals in walk in departments of Landspítali: Arnar Þór Guðjónsson, MD
15:10-15:30 Organization and future vision of transfer of care: Hlíf Steingrímsdóttir, MD
15:30-16:10 Panel discussion
Silfurberg B:
13:10-16:10 Positive and negative effects of corticosteroids – live saving and secondary effect
Chair: Helga Ágústa Sigurjónsdóttir, MD, PhD
13:10-13:20 Introduction: Chair
13:20-14:00 The HPA axis response to critical illness: Professor Greet van den Berghe, MD, PhD, Leuven, Belgium
14:00-14:10 Case presentation
14:10-14:30 Secondary effects of corticosteroids on the adrenal function: Margrét Jóna Einarsdóttir, MD, PhD
14:30-14:55 Coffee break
14:55-15:10 Nationwide prevalence of glucocorticoid prescriptions over 17 years and osteoporosis prevention among long-term users: Björn Guðbjörnsson, Professor, MD, PhD
15:10-15:55 New guidelines from European Society of Endocrinology and Endocrine Society: Diagnosis and Therapy of Glucocorticoid - induced Adrenal Insufficiency – Debate:
-The clinical guidelines - are they the definitive answer: Yes, possible: Irina Bancos, Mayo, Rochester, USA
-The clinical guidelines - are they the definitive answer: No, possible not: Marianne Klose Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
15:55-16:10 Panel discussion
16:20 Closing ceremony